Our New World

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October 16 2018

Aarav was walking down the hall in Lanadu where he lived in the palace .

He was hanging with Kartik .he had no idea that Jana had brought Elia over he understood genies daughter Seren .she lived in a lamp so it made sense her there .

He still liked Elia though a lot and wanted to go out with her.an actual date .not that lunch dates at school weren't good. it's just he wanted to ask her to a real one .but he didn't know how to ask .Kartik looked at him.

Kartik Wazara :Aarav would u like me to ask her out for u .I could do that I am with Jie ."

Aarav Huáng: well I could try what my dad did with my mom years ago"

Kartik Wazara :what's that?" Looked at Aarav

Aarav Huáng:a carpet ride over Artiglaora"

Kartik Wazara: well she was trapped on Mount Villa . it could work your a prince think of her as a street mouse"

Aarav Huáng: u mean like how my dad was called a street rat?"

Kartik Wazara : yeah Thorn was on some tough streets Aarav".

Aarav Huáng:so what your saying Is Elia is a Street mouse that needs me to save her ?"

Kartik Wazara :yeah u can say that"

Aarav Huáng:I can do this just got to walk to her  ask her out. besides with everyone now talking to her. cause she is u know not a ghost ."

Elia was with Jana and Seren and Jie in Jana's room .  Aarav went to where carpet was. when he saw him he asked the carpet if he could help him. The carpet flew up and spun around happily to help.  Aladdin saw him and walked over

Aladdin Huáng: Aarav where are you going with carpet?"

Aarav Huáng:I wanna take Elia on a date. like u did with mom. u know show her Artiglaora. since she lived on Mount Villa this whole time."

Aladdin Huáng smiles at him ."okay son u can go, but Don't forget to come back"

Aarav Huáng : I will dad don't worry"

Aarav saw carpet lay on the ground . he got on and held the tassels . Aladdin gave him instructions on how to use carpet again

Aarav Huáng :ok dad got it " he flew carpet to where Elia and His sister and friends were. was up by his sister's balcony and smiled.

Aarav Huáng : Elia can you come here Please?" He said nervous

Elia Rose Bianchi walked out with Jana Seren and Jie right behind her

Jana Huáng :what are u doing? "

Seren :hey ur brother asked for Elia u know Thorn"

Jie Lài:she's right. I still am getting use to her actually being here with us again" looks at Jana

Aarav Huáng :would u like to go out with me tonight? "He said on carpet

Elia Rose Bianchi :really a real date as in right now?"

Aarav Huáng: yeah right now The lunch dates are great .but I thought a real date off school would be good ." He said holding his hand out to her

The girls nodded yes

Elia Rose Bianchi looked and got closer " is it safe to go on the carpet "

Aarav Huáng "yes it's safe ,Elia you can trust me"

Elia Rose Bianchi " okay Aarav " breaths and walks towards him

Aarav still holds out his hand and Elia took it and she was whisked away on the carpet

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