family day

210 1 0

May 16 2017

Lucy : Biggest disaster yet this is so not going well

Dean looked at her: why not Lucy what's wrong ?

Lucy: well Faina is more mad then before. more vk's r showing up for today . I remember my first one . May's book and her mom's scepter are still missing .

Dean :hey look it will be okay. u can meet my dad , mom aunts and uncles

Lucy: really

Dean :sure .he hugged her and smiled .

Lucy: thanks Dean

They walk down the hall . as everyone is gathering to the court yard for family day .

Dean brought Lucy over to His Dad, mom ,aunts and Uncles

Dean : Hello this is Lucy Evil Queens Daughter

Dopey looked at her .

Lucy: hello How are you " she said kindly

Dopey :shook her hand

Amazie : it is nice to meet you our son Dean told us a lot about you

Dean : these are my uncles Sneezy ,Bashful, Grumpy, Doc, Happy ,Secretly and Sleepy and my Aunts Stealthy, Dreamly, Tenderly ,Sherry, Cozy, Wishful, Hope Cranky and her wife is here too my Aunt Blissy is her Wife

Lucy: hello

Grumpy: so your the Queens Daughter huh " Looks at her

Lucy :Yes i am " she said looking at grumpy

Sherry: I'm Sherry Grumpy's wife you must really like the color Blue

Lucy: it is my favorite Color

Dean :its okay shes nothing like her mom and she is a great Girlfriend

Cranky: that is a note we will Take

Blissy :its okay Its not Snows Step Mom

Doc :thats good to know

Hope :you look like a sweet heart im Doc's wife hope

Happy: well im delighted to meet you

Cozy Huggs her : i hope you like hugs im a very huggable dorf im Happy's wife Cozy " giggles

Lucy :thank you all so much and i do enjoy hugs very much

tenderly she was next to her husband bashful

they were watching there kid Dazzle , Grumpy and Sherry's kid Smugly,Truelie kid of Cozy and Happy as well as Chiatry and Tist Doc and hope's daughter and son

Dreamly wife of sleepy was asleep along with sleepy and there kid Starry

Secretly was with his wife stealty. telling their kid shadow. to always stay in the dark and hide as much to be help full.

as that went well

Jana and Aarav Huáng sit with Henri Laurent and May as well as Henri's sister who was a few years younger than them .

While some new kids from the isle walk around .

Faina: CLAUS

Claus: yes my cup cake

Faina :who is that with my Grammy

Claus: umm well i Dont know shes from Mount Villa

Faina: Mount Villa Mount Villa ugh no one is taking my family from. me first May takes Henri .now some new girl from Mount Villa

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