Chapter 4 -

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*Time skip*

It has been sometime since that night and we are finally back at school. Today in class we were waiting for Iruka-sensei to come to class and I also noticed that Naruto isn't here. Then the door slammed open, reviling an angry Iruka and tied up Naruto. Iruka-sensei then started to scold Naruto but I ignored it and focused on stopping my eyes from turning into the sharingan. That is what happened to my eyes, apparently, my emotions are out of whack so my sharingan appears randomly.

My focusing was interrupted by Sasuke tapping my shoulder.

"We gotta do a transformation jutsu," he told me while standing up.

Thanks to him interrupting me my Sharingan appeared and it started to sting a little. That makes me whimper a bit. Luckily no one noticed, the stinging went down by the time my name was called. 'Who do I transform into?' I thought worried because I wasn't listening to who. Then I had an idea. 'Lord third'.

"Ok Dai, you can transform now," Iruka-sensei said to me after writing something on his clipboard.

"Transform" I whisper and transformed into an exact copy of Lord third.

Everyone was surprised, even Sasuke. Sasuke was proud of me and smiled, not smirking a smile but he then put his tough act back on before people could see. When I mean people, I mean his fangirls. Iruka-sensei was happy and patted me on the back, then he noticed my Sharingan as well as the tears in my eyes and frowned. He then leaned down so his face was next to my ear and said

"Stay after class, I gotta talk to you"

With that said he stood up straight and went on to the lesson.

*Time skip, after class*

Iruka-sensei then walked up to my seat after convincing Sasuke to wait outside. He stood in front of me and leaned down on my desk so we were face to face. He noticed my Sharingan and stared at me.

"Does it hurt?" He asked with concerned filled eyes

"Usually stings when it activates," I say tears started to fall from thinking that it would hurt more over the years. I started to cry for real.

"Hey, Dai I'm sorry," Iruka-sensei said as he walked around my desk to hug me.

When he was hugging, me he rubbed my back and stroke my hair. This made me feel better, a lot better. After some time, my crying had stopped so Iruka-sensei pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"You should you home now, the graduation test is tomorrow" he stated against my forehead.

I just nodded with a slight blush. The only person that has kissed me was ever Sasuke after I had a nightmare, so that was a bit embarrassing. I then got up to leave, but when I got up I hugged Iruka-sensei around his waist, seeing that I'm short, and he patted me on the head. Embarrassed I run out of the classroom to meet Sasuke.

*Iruka's POV*

After Dai left the class blushing I realized what I did. 'I kissed her', well on the forehead but I still kissed her. I then started to blush like mad. 'My feelings toward her can't get in the way, I don't want to hurt her' I thought as I exited the classroom with a slight blush on my face.    

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Sorry, it was a bit late.

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