The Drunken Stampede

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"How could you not tell me the president of the company was Yuna?"

"How is it my fault you don't know what your girlfriend does for a living," he muttered. All I could do was stare at her as she spoke to the large crowd. That was my girlfriend. Intelligent, beautiful, and successful. "Earth to Jimin. You have a job to complete." And also the target of the worst gang in the country. My eyes hardened, and I sneered at the thought of any one of those goons touching my girl.

"Don't you worry. No one will lay a hand on the president," I glowered.


An hour passed, and I was growing more impatient as the seconds ticked by. The dinner portion of the evening had ended, and now the party was starting to get more... let's go with exotic. I guess you could say, not all rich people knew how to have fun. I was beginning to think the tip-off they received was a fluke until the lights suddenly went out. I immediately jumped into action as screams and crashes filled the air. Having been watching her the whole night, I knew exactly where Yuna was in the room. I easily maneuvered through the chaotic lobby with the night vision built into my glasses, avoiding the stampede of panicked people, who's minds were fuddled from the numerous alcoholic beverages consumed through the night. I stood right in front of a worried, but composed, Yuna, who was trying her best to remain calm for the sake of her guests.

"Whatever you do, don't let her recognize you." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah, cause that's the easiest thing in the world to do. Make sure my girlfriend doesn't figure out who I am. Not like we haven't been together for more than four years or anything."

"Park, you know what would happen if she found out your identity." I sighed. He was right. I took a deep breath before finally approaching her.

"Excuse me, President Hong." I watched her jump a mile at the sudden sound of my deep voice in her ear.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" I hesitated before speaking again.

"Don't worry, President Hong. I'm not here to hurt you. I've been hired to keep you safe in case anything happened tonight. Your secretary is waiting in the underground garage with a car to get you out of here."

"Are you crazy? I can't just leave everyone here in danger and save myself." I smiled proudly behind my mask. She was being so brave and loyal.

"President Hong, you're the target of this attack. The people behind this ambush are only interested in you. No one will be harmed tonight except you, unless you decide to not be difficult and come with me." I heard her grumble, and took that as permission to take her. My black-gloved hand grasped securely around her arm, we weaved through the maze of people towards the security exit behind the stage.

"How come I've never seen you before? You're not in the normal uniform of our company's guards. Why won't you show me your face?"

"I'm not one of your company's guards. I was hired just for this night. The gang behind this attack is not one to be taken lightly."

"How do I know you're not with the people behind this attack?" I was growing annoyed at her constant questions. While I'll admit she had the right to be curious, I really just wanted her to be safe as soon as possible. All of this talking was really slowing us down.

"I hardly doubt a kidnapper would be putting himself through this much exposure to his kidnapee. If I were trying to kidnap you, you would've been drugged and slung in a bag in 5 seconds flat." That shut her up. We finally made it to the garage where the black SUV was waiting as they said it would be. "Your secretary is waiting to get you out of here. Hurry before they catch on to the fact that you're no longer in the building." She nodded before walking towards the car. She glanced back to where I had been standing, but I was already gone. I watched the car drive away from behind a large pillar. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing she was safe.

"Alright. Job complete."

"Not so fast."

"What do you mean not so fast? Yuna is safe now."

"I don't like the route that car is taking." What did he mean? I tapped the side of my glasses, watching a small green map appear with a flashing red dot moving along the lines. That was the tracker I had slipped into her clutch back in the lobby.

"Where in the world...?" I watched in confusion at the path the car was taking. It was nowhere near our home or the safe house they had planned for her to stay at.

"Something's not right. You need to follow that car. Now."


I managed to keep a composed face as the pitch-black room quickly turned into chaos. People were screaming and pushing, trying to exit the hotel. I remained where I was, wanting to make sure no one got hurt or left behind.

"Excuse me, President Hong." I jumped out of skin at the sudden deep voice that wrung in my ear.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" I stammered out, trying to remain calm.

"Don't worry, President Hong. I'm not here to hurt you. I've been hired to keep you safe in case something happened tonight. Your secretary is waiting in the underground garage with a car to get you out of here." Who did this guy think I was? I wasn't about to leave everyone hear and save myself.

"President Hong, you're the target of this attack." I listened to him go on about how I was the only one in danger, and grumbled in annoyance. However, he seemed to have taken that a different way, as I was suddenly pushed through the crowd towards the exit door backstage. I finally got a good look at him, dressed in black from head to toe, the only visible parts of his body being the narrow strip of skin between his glasses and his mask.

"How come I've never seen you before? You're not in the normal uniform of our company's guards. Why won't you show me your face?" If he was going to take me, I wanted answers.

"I'm not one of your company's guards. I was hired just for this night. The gang behind this attack is not one to be taken lightly." Avoiding the last part of my question. I see how it is.

"How do I know you're not with the people behind this attack?" I wanted to see how far I could push him. Apparently not very far. He shut me up with one comment of being drugged and thrown into a bag against my will. We made it to the garage, and I sighed with relief at the familiar car waiting for me. He must really be on our side after all. I walked towards the car after he informed me my secretary, Taehyung, was waiting to take me to the safe house for the night. I immediately thought of Jimin. I never slept well away from him, but my safety was on the line, so I would have to deal with it for the night. I realized I never got the chance to thank the stranger, but he had already disappeared when I turned around. I climbed into the car, and sighed with relief at seeing Taehyung in the driver's seat.

"Hello President Hong. I hope your escort treated you well."

"It was definitely different than any escort I've had in the past, but he treated me well. I am so glad to see you Taehyung. The hotel is complete chaos, people running and screaming about." We had been driving along the highway for almost 10 minutes until I heard a strange noise that sounded as if it were coming from the trunk of the car. "Taehyung, did you hear that?"

"I did President Hong. Would you like me to pull over and check it out?"

"I believe that would be the smart thing to do." He pulled over and stepped out of the car to check out the trunk. Before I could react, both backseat doors flung open, and I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I caught a glimpse of Taehyung climbing into the driver's seat once again

"I'm ever so sorry, President Hong." And everything went black.

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