You Give Love a Bad Name

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I cried out when I saw Yuna go down. I looked back to see her clutching her leg, a small pool of blood forming in the crisp green grass. She had been shot, but luckily it wasn't fatal. As I started to make my way towards her, I saw Jungkook emerge from the warehouse and mentally cursed. It was either go back to get Yuna and get caught, or keep running. And I kept running.


I ran past Hoseok's still form, ignoring Yoongi's orders to help him. As I made it outside, my eyes widened, both in fear and shock. Yuna was curled up, clutching her leg as the Man in Black was making a run for it. Selfish bastard. I hurried over to her, swooping her up in my arms. Her face was wet with tears, and her arms automatically wrapped around my neck. She needed treatment. Fast. I ran back inside, heading straight for Yoongi's office. That was where we kept all of the medical equipment.

"Jungkook! Shit..." Yoongi's face paled, who knew that was possible, as soon as he saw Yuna in my arms. I continued towards the office, Yoongi now following behind me. He struggled to open the door, fumbling with his keys. I had never seen Yoongi so flustered before. Finally unlocking the door, I pushed past him into the room, shoving everything off his desk before lying Yuna gently onto it. Yoongi was already shuffling through the first-aid drawer, gathering everything we needed.

"Kookie?" Her voice was quiet and weak. She had already lost a lot of blood.

"Jungkook. Go take care of Hoseok. I can handle this." I wanted to argue, but this was Yoongi we were talking about. I left the room, heading back to where the chaos had taken place. I finally got a good look at Hoseok. He hadn't been hit in a fatal place, but he must've knocked out from shock and loss of blood.

"I'm sorry hyung," I mumbled.

"Jungkook-ah, help me up please." My eyes widened at his words.

"You're ok?!"

"I would hardly say I'm ok. I think dead is a better word." I chuckled. Even at the brink of death, Hoseok still had the heart to joke. "What even happened? The bitch was surrendering, and then all shit goes down, I was shot, Yoongi was on the floor, and the prisoners were escaping." My jaw tensed at the word he used for Yuna.

"I don't know Hyung," I lied. "I ran here after hearing the gunshots." My own gunshots. He looked troubled.

"Where is Yoongi?"

"In his office with Yuna?

"What about the rat?" I sighed in annoyance. Leave it to Hoseok to never stop asking questions.

"He ran to save his skin after Yuna got shot." His eyebrows raised.

"Shot?" So it wasn't him who shot her. I had thought maybe he aimed for her as he went down. "Served her right for trying to escape," he muttered. "Where is Taehyung?" I shrugged I really didn't know where he was. Unless he was still in the room Yuna was in. It didn't matter. As long as he didn't see what I had done.


Pain. The only thing I could feel was pain and betrayal. The image of my hero running away from kept replaying in my mind. I watched Yoongi's blurry form through my tear-filled eyes, shuffling around the room doing who knows what. He walked up to me, holding a folded towel in front of my mouth.

"You're gonna want it sweetheart. This isn't going to be a pleasant experience," he mumbled. I reluctantly took the towel in my mouth. "Sorry baby. You ready?" I looked up at him in fear, but felt more at ease when I looked into his eyes. They were filled with something I had never seen, or thought I would ever see. Concern. I slowly nodded and braced myself for the pain. I'll spare the details, but I felt like I had died and come back to life. Yoongi continue to patch up the wound, and my eyes drifted towards the little bullet that he had pulled out. That tiny thing could kill someone in a second. My mind then flashed to Hoseok and I grimaced. Yoongi pulled the towel from my mouth, replacing it with a glass of water.

"Is it ok?" I questioned timidly after taking a few sips of the refreshing liquid.

"You got lucky. You won't be able to put any weight on it for a few days, but nothing is permanently damaged," he muttered.

"I never would've thought in my life I would get shot," I mumbled. "Who shot me?" He grew stiff.

"I don't know. I was on the floor." I sighed.

"Am I still a prisoner?" He turned towards me, the concern in his eyes long gone, replaced with the coldness they usually held.

"Yes. Don't start thinking you're special just because I helped you. You're still just a whore to get revenge on Park with." For some reason, his words stung. This wasn't new.

"I was just wondering," I mumbled. Yuna get a grip. He's a cold-hearted murderer and gang leader.

"SHIT!" I jumped at his sudden outburst. Before I could react any further, his hands cupped my face, and his lips were on mine. He kissed me with such hunger. Desire. It was anything but gentle. Before it could go further he suddenly pulled away and stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind him. I sat there on his desk with my mouth gaping. What had just happened? Yoongi had just kissed me, and I didn't hate it.

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