Dungeons and Dragons

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"I can't believe I did that. She's going to hate me. Heck, I hate me!" I was actually beginning to wear the floor down where I constantly paced. It had become my new hobby.

"There's nothing you can do about it now. You made the best decision."

"The best decision?! Namjoon, I left the love of my life, who had been SHOT, in the hands of Min fucking Yoongi, the worse gang leader probably in this world. Murderer of thousands. That's where my girlfriend is right now. And on top of that, she had tried to escape from him."

"You think I don't know what that bastard is capable of?!" My eyes widened. That was the first time he had raised his voice at me in years. Then I remembered. Namjoon had witnessed first-hand what that man could do. His girlfriend had been tortured to death in front of him by Yoongi in punishment for betraying him. That's how we had met. He had opened my eyes to the monster Yoongi was.

"Then you sure as hell know we have to get her out of there," I whispered.

"They didn't find out who you are. If you had stayed and been caught, unfortunately, it would be out of my control. We still have the element of surprise on them. While they can touch Park Jimin, they can't touch the Man in Black." I nodded. We would get her back. Everything would go back to normal. Life would be great again, and I would have the love of my life in my arms once more.


I woke up with a raging headache, that was only made worse as I attempted to sit up. Where was I? I looked around the dark room. Some kind of Dungeons and Dragons roleplay? I looked down at my normal attire. Some kind of roleplay this was. I needed to explore this place more. Wincing at the pain in my stomach, I attempted to stand up, using the cold wall for support. I guess the guys were taking this roleplay seriously. I snuck through the door of the room, into a dimly lit hallway. This place needed a serious renovation, or at least some new lightbulbs.

"Stupid... Why can't we just kill her... Such an inconvenience..." I stuck myself to the wall of the hallway at the sound of voices coming towards me. Killing? Wasn't that a bit too far for a game? The footprints grew nearer and soon, a man with bright red hair and no shirt on came into view. So that's how the teams were separated. Shirts versus skins. I smirked at my enemy, unaware of my presence. A plan in my head, I waited for the right time to attack. I jumped out in front of the man, wielding my baton, but I didn't get the response I expected.

"What the fuck, Taehyung? Where have you been?" Not lowering my weapon, I narrowed my eyes. How did he know my name?

"Who are you, and where did you get this information about me?" He glared at me, very unamused. He pinched his nose in annoyance, closing his eyes.

"I really don't have the patience for this," he muttered. "Where were you when the rat infiltrated our base?" I ignored his question, distracted by the ripples of his muscles as he moved his body. "Tae? TAE!" I jumped at his booming voice.

"How do you know my name?" I asked with slight fear. Who was this guy?

"What do you mean 'how do I know your name'? We've been working together for years. How would I not know your name?" Working together?

"I work with you? Is this where I work?" He furrowed his brows. I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or confused. I was hoping for the latter. He looked strong enough to knock me out for days in one blow.

"Tae, what happened to you?" I nonchalantly scanned my body for any major injuries.

"Nothing major. I have a headache and my stomach is a bit sore, but that's about it. Why?"

"What's my name?" I frowned in confusion.

"How am I supposed to know your name if this is the first time I've met you?" He looked at me with alarm. What was this guy's problem? I yelped in surprise has he grabbed my wrist and began dragging me down the hallway in the direction he had come from. I blankly stared at his back as we walked, watching the muscles ripple. I had fought against his grip at first, but I had been right about how strong he was, and now I was his prisoner. My gaze drifted down and my eyes widened, my cheeks growing hot in embarrassment. But maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.


I yelled out in frustration, slamming my fists against the table. How could I have let myself go like that? No attachments? Well done Min Yoongi. I looked up at the computer screen, my eyes immediately falling on the injured girl still sitting on my desk. This was all just a game to get to Park. I scowled at the trick he had pulled today. Hiring someone to rescue his girl for him. He didn't deserve her. She was smart, brave, and beautiful. I collapsed into a chair, furious at myself for thinking such things. Not taking my eyes off the girl on the screen, I pulled out my walkie talkie and gave one order.

"Take care of the girl." My phone began to ring and I answered it with a knowing smirk. "What an unexpected surprise! I was beginning to think something horrible had happened to you. How could you be so cruel to not contact me for so long?"

"The plan is set. Everything should fall into place."

"Still a man of few words I see. Well, you've done your job. I'll finally have my revenge on Park."

"He will come by tonight." My lips curled in a malicious smirk.

"You've done well Joonie. Very well indeed."

Disclaimer: I do not own the name Dungeons and Dragons :)

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