Food Gangsters

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I woke up with a dull pain in my head and a stiff back. My wrists felt sore and chaffed from the rough rope that kept them tightly tied together. My eyes snapped open as the memories began to flood into my head. That traitor, Taehyung. I grew angry just thinking about him and what he did. I scanned the room, looking for some kind of clue as to where I was. The air was musty, so it was an abandoned building of some sort. Great. I'm tied to a chair in the middle of a room with one light dully that seems to be hanging on to the last bit of life it has left. They didn't even bother to change me out of the now soiled dress I had worn to the gala. That I was grateful for. At least I know they didn't do anything to me while I was out. I couldn't see the walls, so who knew how big the room was. My ears caught the muffled sound of conversation, but I couldn't figure out where, or who, it was coming from. I took a deep breath and sighed. No use in freaking out at this point. Suddenly, the sound of a door opening and multiple footsteps echoed through the room. Three men dressed in all black emerged from the darkness. One of them being Taehyung. My face screwed into a scowl. His mousy brown hair was now a dark hue of violet, reminding me of a grape. Oh how I wished I could squeeze his head like one.

"Hello there, sweetheart. Glad to see you're finally awake. Kookie here didn't mean to hit you that hard, but muscleman got a little carried away." The tallest one smirked. I assumed that was Kookie. The other guy had bright orange hair and a long face. Orangy seemed like an appropriate name for him. I figured I should continue with the food theme.

"I think carried away is a bit of an understatement," I muttered. He probably hit me with enough force to take out a large bear. Ignoring me, the traitor continued talking.

"Do you know why you're here, President Hong?"

"I'm here because you kidnapped and brought me here," I retorted dryly. "As to the reason why you brought me here, I can't say I have slightest idea what that is."

"As mouthy as ever," Taehyung muttered.

"Besides, it's not like you would need to kidnap me to find out all the company secrets. Let's flashback to before you betrayed me and were my secretary? You know everything about the company."

"Oh, but President Hong." I glared at the continues use of that name. "This has nothing to do with the company." My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. If it had nothing to do with the company, what could it be about? The company was my life.

"I'm sure you're quite familiar with the name Park Jimin?" My eyes widened in alarm.

"Don't you dare hurt him," I growled.

"Like we could if we tried," Orangy scowled. "That man is untouchable. He's only topped by the Man in Black, but no one even knows his identity."

"That is, until you become involved," Taehyung smirked.

"What are you talking about. How is my boyfriend untouchable? And who is this Man in Black?"

"Oh, this is about to get real interesting," Taehyung muttered, an evil smile spreading on his face.

"So, she doesn't know about Jimin's past?" Orangy mumbled.

"I would assume so by the crazy looks she's giving us."

"I wonder if he told her anything."

"I doubt it. Who would ever date him know what he did back then."

"Could someone please explain to me what you guys are talking about? What do I not know about Jimin?" Taehyung looked at me with a smirk.

"I would brace yourself sweetheart. The innocent Jimin you've been dating for all these years isn't who you think he is." I rolled my eyes

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