The Hackgirl

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Jungkook had just changed the wrapping on my leg.

"Get up. We're leaving."

"Where are we going?" I ask nervously, staying seated on the desk.

"Don't ask questions. Just do as I say." I bite my lip and glance at my wrapped leg. Did he forget I can't walk very well? It had only been a couple days since I got shot, and while I could walk now, it was very slow and painful.

"But..." I quickly shut my mouth at his cold glare.

"The other three are already in the truck. Don't lose this." I fumble with the gun he shoves in my hands. "Let's move sweetheart." He's halfway out the door, and I cry out his name, unable to hide my distress. He whips around angrily, but his face softens when he sees my leg. "Shit. Sorry sweetheart," he mumbles as he walks over to me and crouches in front of me. I hesitate before wrapping my arms around his neck. His cold hands wrap around my thighs firmly, and I flinch at the sudden chill on my warm skin. His form is silent and strong as he walks through the dark hallways. I have to bite my tongue to keep the questions from flowing from my mouth.

"I know you're dying inside sweetheart, so I'm going to explain this once." I see the smirk on his face and pout, but he wasn't wrong. "We're being targeted by an enemy gang. With the condition our members are in, it's best to just escape while we can." I think about Hoseok's gunshot injury and Taehyung's memory loss.

Arriving to where the large van was parked outside, Yoongi opens the large sliding door and Jungkook jumps out of his seat to help me into the van. I mutter a thank you after he brings me to an empty seat and I buckle my seat belt.

I glance at each of them, their faces stoic. If they were nervous, they sure were good at hiding it. This must be a normal thing for them. I continue looking around the van. Weapons and vests lined one side of the van. I glanced towards the front of the vehicle and notice a large computer hooked up on one of the walls. Must be what they use for hacking on the go. I hear the front door of the van open and watch as Yoongi climbs into the passenger seat.

"Let's go," he orders to Hoseok sitting in the driver's seat. I jump at the sudden rumbling of the engine and hear Jungkook snort next to me.

"It's going to be a long ride. It's ok to get some sleep." I nod and allow my eyes to slowly close and drift off to sleep.

I don't know how long I've been out when I'm jerked away by a sudden commotion. Jungkook is explaining things to Taehyung as he stuffs ammo into a not-so-friendly looking gun. Yoongi has moved from the front seat to the back, pulling on a bulky black vest with many small pockets filled with who knows what. I don't notice Jungkook standing in front of me holding one of those vests.

"You get one too," he smiles softly. "Just for precautions." He helps me slide it on and begins pulling the numerous buckles together when Yoongi begins barking orders.

"Jungkook, go load the guns." His hard gaze follows the taller man as he walks away before he walks over to me and continues where Jungkook left off.

"I want to help," I mumble. A small smile pulls on the cold man's lips.

"It's too dangerous for you sweetheart." I frown.

"I lived in constant danger before you kidnapped me. Have you forgotten who I am?" He doesn't say anything, and I let out a huff. "You would be surprised," I mutter.

"Oh no sweetheart. I'm very well aware of what you're capable of, but you're still injured." I silently curse at my wound. It is such an inconvenience. "And while I know how capable you are, you're still no match for the gang we're up against."

"Ok, so I can't help you guys physically, but I'm not going to sit here useless."

"Well, my orders for you are to sit here and not move."

"You're not my boss," I growl. His cold eyes look at me sharply.

"Whose orders would you haven been following if you were coming with us?" I crossed my arms and watched him load a small gun.

"Well you're wrong," I mutter. He pauses and looks at me with a cocked eyebrow. "You don't know what I'm capable of."


"What do you mean she's challenging my hacking skills?" Hoseok cries in outrage. "I'm the best hacker in the industry."

"yes Orangey, in the industry, but not in the world. I didn't get to where I am by being dumb and lucky," I smirk.

"Hack into this phone, find my number, and track the location. Whoever can do it fastest wins. Hoseok you go first."

"And do it quickly. We don't have time for this," Yoongi snaps. Hoseok's gaze hardens before plopping into the seat and getting to work. I watch him work at the phone, attempting to hack into it.

"Someone call me," he gruffs. Jungkook pulls out his phone and dials the number. They stay on the phone for about 30 seconds when Hoseok hangs up. "Done."

"One minute and 17 seconds. Not too bad Hoseokie," Jungkook nods. "Alright Yuna. You're up." I take my seat in front of the computer and crack my knuckles. I was a little rusty, but I was confident I could beat the Orange haired man by a land slide. "Go." I don't hesitate and allow my hands to glide across the keyboard. Orangey's technique was flawless, but very outdated. I hit enter and lean back in the chair as I watch the phone's entire contact list loads onto the screen as a small map in the corner tracks the phone's live location. Jungkook's contact card appears underneath the map, showing his number, address, and numerous emails.

"Done." I wait for some kind of response, but there's only silence.

"Jungkook. Time," Yoongi mutters.

"Oh, right. Uh, 52 seconds," he announces. I nod my head before turning to Yoongi. He just rolls his eyes.

"Fine. You can help. Hoseok, you're coming in with us." He opens his mouth to argue, but quickly shuts it with a cold glare from the boss. I smile in victoriously. "Everyone, finish getting ready. We're going in in 10 minutes." Hoseok explained everything I needed to know reluctantly before going to suit up with the others. I mess with a couple things, trying to get used to the new system.

"You sure about this?" I turn in my chair to look at the concerned man towering next to me.

"It's the least I can do Jungkook. I'm injured, and you guys are down a man." I sigh, looking towards Taehyung. He may have betrayed me, but he was still a very close friend before all of this happened. "Any luck with his memories?"

"We're trying. Hoseok the most. I've never seen him so caring before," he snorts.

"Well, be careful. I'll do my best to keep you guys out of harm." He nods before walking off. I turn around and stare at the blank computer screen. This all brought me back to my early hacking days. My thoughts quickly go to Jimin and my eyes tear up. I missed his smile and his laugh. I missed waking up snuggled in his warm arms. I covered my mouth to stifle a sob, not wanting the others to hear me crying.

"Yuna?" My eyes widen, and I quickly wipe away my tears, forcing a smile on my face. I turn towards the voice and my smile falters. Yoongi had never called me by my real name, so I wasn't expecting him to be the one standing there. His cold gaze was softened with concern, but still held an air of authority. His thin frame was swallowed by the bulky vest, giving him a more muscular look. All thoughts of Jimin were swept from my mind as I stared at the silver-haired man in front of me. As if he read my mind, he smirked before leaning down. His hot breath blowing on my ear causes shivers up my spine. "Glad to see you understand that there's no need to cry over another man when I'm here, sweetheart."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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