Chapter Fifty Four

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-Athena's POV-

It had been almost exactly three weeks since Jason and I had talked. Our fight had strained our relationship and it didn't help that Dick's name hadn't left my mind since. I had tried to contact Jason but he wasn't really making an effort. And neither did I. 

The truth was, I missed Jason. So much. It hurt to know that I had made him upset. We were supposed to be partners. The plan, the one he had spent days planning and changing with me, was about to wrap itself up soon. I needed to find him before that happened. He needed me. I knew it deep in my bones. Something bad would happen if I left him alone.

I picked up my phone from my counter, jamming the edge of the tabletop into my hip as I leaned against it. I dialed Jason's phone number for the one hundredth time. His number was always changing because he always used untraceable numbers, but the one he had given me a month ago seemed to still stand. 

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," I mumbled as the phone continued to ring, "come on, motherfucker!" 

The phone rang. And rang. And rang. 

No answer. 

I groaned and slammed my phone down. The screen shattered. I rolled my eyes and punched the marble counter. With a crack, I saw my first finger go limp. I didn't feel it. I just stared at my broken knuckle. 

I needed Jason. 

I calmed walked over to the medkit and dug through it. Pulling out a splint, I wrapped my finger tightly. My apartment was clean and organized. I scanned the room several times and then paced back and forth. My nerves were going crazy.

Before long, I was hyperventilating. My breaths came out in short puffs. My pupils dilated and beads of sweat formed all over my body. I felt like someone had let thousands of bees go free inside my body. They were swarming, buzzing, and stinging. I was pacing, then jogging, then running, then sprinting. And then I just couldn't move anymore.

I sank to my feet. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. I grabbed my phone off the counter and dialed Jason again. An even shorter ringing time. I couldn't take it. I pitched my phone at my window, shattering the glass. 

My face got hot. I started to shake. I couldn't control my breath.

Thoughts flooded my brain. What would happen if I wasn't with Jason when his endgame came to light? Batman would kill him. I knew it. I had warned him to not kill Joker, but I had been told -- in so many words -- that my warning would be ignored. If I left him on his own, Bruce would have total control over Jason. Yes, Jace was a good fighter and he could hold his own. But even I couldn't beat Bruce on my own. I had found that out the hard way.

Images of Jason's broken, beaten face spiked my panic. Although Bruce cared about Jason, I knew Dick hated him. If Dick got a chance to be near Jason without me at his side, Jason would have to come back from the dead. Again.

A knock sounded at my door. I couldn't get up to answer it. However, the person at the other end had a key. When the door swung open, a particular sassy blond strolled in.

Artemis's eyes scanned the room then dropped to me. Her lips pouted. "Well," Artemis said, crossing her arms, "I leave you alone for a month and you end up like this?"

I raised my beady eyes to meet hers. "Ar-art-ar--" I couldn't stop. I stuttered and my voice shook. More empty breaths heaved out the more I tried to talk.

"Come here. I'm not coming over to you," Artemis was being mean on purpose, "Athena, stand up and breathe. Jesus. You used to be an assassin. The best, for Christs' sakes. And now you can't even stand."

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