Chapter 8

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Taehyung's words swirl through my brain as I 'do' my homework. Oh, who am I kidding. Literally I have been just starring at my math homework for the past hour. I mean I don't really understand the chapter, but I still can't seem to wrap my head around it and focus on understanding. This is all Taehyung's fault.


A notification of a message appears on my phone. And oddly, it wasn't anyone from my contacts.

'hey bb' the message read.

Umhh okay.

I swipe right to unlock my phone and swiftly I type in 'who's this?'

I nervously began to tap my index finger on the table.


My heart races for a slip second.

'kim taehyung;)'

A voice from the back of my heart kinda told me I was expecting this.

"what do you want" I carelessly type in and set my phone aside. Honestly at this point, I read don't want my journal back or anything. I'm done playing this nonsense type of game. I go back to 'doing' my homework when in reality I knew I had lost my focus long ago.

Tik Tok Tik Tok Tik To–dinggg

He is really testing my patience because it legit took him a whole 5 minutes to finally respond. And those 5 minutes were definitely not the most pleasing ones for my heart. Thing is, I don't want to care but my heart says the opposite.

I grab my phone hesitantly, reading his message.


What the—his guy has no limit.

I honestly have no clue as to what I should reply back, so I just ignore it.


Waking up at the usual time on school days, I forcefully drag myself outta bed.

Today was going to be a long day.

I put on light blue skinny jeans, a plain black sweater and my hair is lightly braided. My parents had already left, therefore I had to eat breakfast alone. Just as I finished setting up the table, the doorbell rang.

ding dong

Had my parents came back to pick up something? I ran over to the door and open it curiously. A concerned expression replaces my curious one as I see a whole Kim Taehyung leaning against the door casing. Why do I keep on having to interact with him? I froze for at least a couple of second before he finally breaks the silence.

"So are you not gonna let me in" he says and lighting pushes me aside and enters the house as if it's his.

As soon as I was finally able to comprehend what just happened, I ran up to him, grabbing Taehyung by his toned muscles.

"Where do you think your going?" I question him strictly.

"Wow, can I join" he responds looking directly at my breakfast table. He is never going to take me serious.

"Umh no, please just leave, my parents are sleeping" I lie hoping it'll convince him into leaving.

"Hey jennie" Taehyung lightly narrows his perfect eyes at me.

"What" I innocently respond.

"Do I look like a fool from your point of view?"

I let out a heavy sigh, walking over to the kitchen cabinet to grab a plate and a fork and just then Taehyung cockily laughs behind me.

We have a quick 10 breakfast. After cleaning up the table and stuff, Taehyung offers me a ride to school.

"You know I have a car right" I point out.

"Well yeah but, aren't we going to the same place, plus don't you wanna help the environment...less cars less pollution"

"Since when did you care so much for the environment?" I question him.

"Since now" he pulls out his keys from his pocket, "I'll be in the car" and he disappears.

Two minutes later I join Taehyung in his car. The interior design of his car was quite classy and smelt really nice. The silence builds up as we set off to school.

"Aren't you gonna ask where your journal is?" Taehyung talks over the low toned music. His voice almost growls, making me feel somewhat intimidated.

"As if you're going to give it back" I fold my arms together and look the opposite way, managing to give him a little attitude.

He releases a cute burst of laughter, "you're cute."

The side of my lips curl a bit at his statement.


My day has been going awfully horrible so far. Everyone seemed really odd towards me. Where ever I went, people would talk behind me....perhaps that's what I though.

I tried ignoring it.

I spot Rosé making her way towards me quickly. She pulls me by the hand to a corner.

"Woh woh, Rosé what's wrong?" I sound worried.

"Look, I'll tell you if you promise to be calm" she looks concerned. I am guessing the situation is serious...

"I promise"

"I mean, you really have to be calm" she warms me.

Letting out a huge sigh "Alright I promise to be calm" I respond.

"There are rumors...about how Taehyung...told some people that..that you guys spent last night together.



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