Chapter 9

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I didn't keep my promise.

I was angry, mad and furious. He had actually gained a little bit of my trust, now he had completely destroyed it all.

I angrily rush over to the benches outside the school, spotting Taehyung and his group of friends.


He grips on my fists with palm.

"What do you think your doing" he comes at me calmly but a little annoyed from his expression.

"Admit it, say your lying" I repeat myself but rather in a calmer tone.

"My actions only concern me, now get the heck out" Taehyung demands as he turns around.

"WHAT KINDA PSYCHO ARE YOU" my anger roars up again because of his stupid arrogant character. 

"Heyyy, also your really terrible in bed" he adds on gritting his teeth as he turns to face me again.

He did not just......

Just as I was about to charge at him, an unfamiliar rough hand gets placed on my forearm.

I make a slight turn to my left, coming in full contact with Lee Taeyong.

Lee FRIKIN Taeyong.

My whole body experiences this weird phase where, it takes me a while to comprehend that LEE FRIKIN TAEYONG had just grabbed me by the forearm. This awkward eye contact continues on for at least a few more seconds. My body temperature begins to heat up and I can already feel my cheeks blushing.

Taeyong slightly faces Taehyung, giving him a somewhat disappointed face. Within seconds, I found myself delivered to him, as he began to lead me inside the building without letting go of my arm. My shocked phase still remains unbothered. This is ALL happening.

We end up in the schools basement, where the big gym and lock rooms are located. Taeyong continues to rush us and finally we stop in front of door at the end of the hallway. He unlocks the door quickly and lightly pushes against the squeaky door. As Taeyong enters the odd room, he turns around to guide me in too. I hesitate a little.

"Don't worry, I don't bite" he claims, giving me a cute warm smile.

I chuckle at his statement.

He leads me through a little hallway and we finally end up in the 'coolest' room ever. Wow, so I guess this was his hide stop. It had a small bed, a desk, and a couple of couches all stuffed in a tiny room.

He had apparently read my amazed expression, because he asks,

"You like it?"

"Yea, I-I love it" I respond ignoring eye contact.

Taeyong grabs two cokes from the tiny fridge, that was sitting by his desk. He opens and hands me one and I take it.

"Hey, I'm actually sorry for what Taehyung did" he scratches the back of his head looking a little uncomfortable.

I gather up enough courage to finally face him. "He should be the one that should be sorry, you didn't do anything."

"Jennie, look Taehyung isn't someone who loves...please just be careful, don't let him upset least I won't let that happen." His words leave his mouth perfectly, every letter has its own meaning in me. I really found comfort in his words. And the fact that he said my name. WOAH. This really has to be a dream. My prince just saved me...


Afterschool me Rosé and Chanyeol decide to go to go eat outside. We arrive at the restaurant about 30 minutes later and locate ourselves a table. As we look through the menu, a familiar voice creeps behind me.

"So ya'll just gonna have fun here without inviting us"

Chanyeol cracks an uncomfortable smile walking over to greet his friend.

"Heyyy, bro I thought these kinda events bore you, so I didn't bother."

I take a peak at Rosé, who gestures me to look behind me. There were two surprises waiting for me: one bad one good.

Bad: Kim Taehyung
Good: Lee Taeyong

My face heats up instantly seeing Taeyong. He winks cutely at me making me giggle quietly. Seconds later they all take a seat. More like Taeyong takes a seat to my left and Taehyung takes a seat to my right.

There are mixed feeling within me. My left makes me the happiest while my right bring out the angriest in me.

We order our meals and fully settle in. An awkward silence surrounds our table, but Chanyeol decides to break it.

"So, Taehyung how was New York?"

"It was a blast" he responds in a way that made it seem like he was having these wild flashbacks.

I soo wanna exclude myself from this conversation, so I just take out my phone and pretend I was doing something useful. And after the incident this morning, I plan on never communicating with Taehyung again. Ever.

A waiter appears with our drinks, and settles them all down. I went went the classic; water while others went with coke, spirt, etc. Just then, I feel an arm snake against the back of my neck and set it on top of the booth. Gosh this is making me uncomfortable. I slightly shift over to Taeyong's side tilting my head awkwardly.

"You alright?" Taeyong asks me gently.

"Umh yeah" I lie.

Because Taehyung's stupid arm was there, I had to sit up straight for a whole 4 minutes and when I finally had enough of it, I face him to ask "would you mind moving your hand over".

"I though you liked it?" He questions me whisperingly.

"I don't like it at all" I whisper back annoyed

Without speaking but at the looking pissed, he lowers his arms and bring it to himself.

The ongoing convo shifts from topic to topic among Rosé, Chanyeol, Taeyong and Taehyung as I continue to distract myself from them. Soon out of absolute no where, the water in my cup spills right on my black jeans. And with a sudden reflex I jump over to Taehyung's side pushing him off the booth but he manages to keep his balance together and stands up.

"Ahhh dang it" I cry in frustration as I dust off my pants as if the water pill was going to disappear.

Rosé stands up instantly walking over to my side, "Jen you ok?"

"Yea, it's just my pants are very wet"

The corner of my left eye spots Taehyung lowing his head to my ear,

"It's normal when I'm around" he whispers.

Wow, he even thinks of that, when I'm in a situation like this...

"Do you need anything umh is there something I can get you" Taeyong asks looking concerned.

See he actually cares.

"Umh no, I'm gonna go to the bathroom and dry it off" I reply and start heading towards the bathroom awkwardly.

"Do you need me to come" Rosé calls behind me.

"No, thanks I'm fine"


The girls' bathroom was oddly empty when I entered in. I tug on numerous paper towels and begin to pat it on my pants. It took me about 2 minutes to get it somewhat dry. I then wash my hands and made my way to the door. As soon as I put my hands on the door handle, I was pushed back when a familiar body makes their way in.

Ok, what the heck was Kim Taehyung doing in the girl's bathroom. His jerky attitude is at it's climax, and it's getting out of hand.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask him judgmentally.

"We're gonna see, whatever seems pleasing for you in public bathroom" he winks taking a step forward, closing the door completely and locking the door without any difficulty.



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