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The night was clear and warm. The stars glittered welcomingly down from the heavens. The street were empty as a lone figure made their way down the sidewalk. Her hips swayed gracefully with each step she took.

Her head remained tilted downward as she pulled her coat's hood tighter around her. This alone was an odd combination and the night offered no breeze with which to be chilly.

A lock of golden blonde hair fell from beneath the hood and all hell broke loose. The arrow flew threw the air, snapping past the loose strand. A warning shot.

The young woman froze and listened. The night appeared to be silent but she knew better than to feel safe. She didn't dare look so see where the arrow had gone, instead searching for where it had come from.

She heard it faster than she saw it. Ducking, the woman could almost feel the second pass through her hair. She saw movement in an upper window and pulled back a hand full of fire. Thrusting her hand forward, she realized her mistake too late.

Her calf was pierced and she screamed in agony. A hand gloved in black grabbed her shoulder and pulled her roughly from the ground. The woman cried at the sudden movement but her captor simply laughed.

There had been two, one to shoot and distract her as the other snuck up behind her. She been an idiot and fallen for a simple tactic. She attempted to shift but felt an unnatural pull back. "She's trying to shift," one warned, a male voice.

"Not to worry, the poison should keep her from shifting," this one was a female who was chillingly familiar to the woman. This set her into a panic of trying over and over to shift but every time the unnatural pull got stronger and stronger and eventually, she fell back in exhaustion.  "Now, Asteria," she addressed the woman. "It's time you showed some cooperation." She pulled Asteria's head back and stared into her fiery golden eyes only to have Asteria spit in her face.

"Burn in hell," the woman called Asteria snapped. Just then, a black vehicle pulled up and Asteria struggled even harder. Another man stepped out and approached them slowly. He turned to the woman holding Asteria.

"Thank you, Shireen," though he didn't sound like he meant it. "Asteria," the man greeted. "I've waited so long to meet you."

You're much more beautiful in person, a voice spoke in her head.

"Who said that?" Asteria panicked while the man just laughed.

"I did," the man stepped closer.

I've always admired you're bravery, Asteria, the voice continued. You really put Level 5's on the map. It would be a shame if anything happened to you considering you're the last of your kind.

"Get out of my head," Asteria ordered.

I don't think I will, you see, I need you to do something for me.

"What are you? A Kitsune?" Asteria doubted it, as she'd never met him before.

"I prefer to think of myself as a Jiuweihu."

The Last Phoenix- Book 1 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now