Chapter 25

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Asteria Glass

You realize I can hear every escape attempt you're currently planning, he whispered into my mind and I shivered. I can assure you that there is no guard outside the door to convince to give you a key and every other plan you're making is equally asinine.

"Just tell me what you're planning," I cried desperately, getting tired of having to ask. The man was silent. "At least tell me who you are? What's a Jiuweihu?"

"No, you know what a Jiuweihu is," he stated coldly. "They are the people who insisted they keep you locked up until you were eighteen and even now act like helicopter parents."

"They're Kitsune and you're wrong," I snapped. "I asked them to keep me locked up so I couldn't hurt anyone. I wanted to stay hidden until I learned how to control my abilities."

"You didn't, you're predecessor did, according to the Council and do you know why they cooked up that lie?" he challenged. I had no answer. "Because they were afraid you'd be just like her. They were afraid you'd have revenge to take care of." I looked away. I knew all this but I didn't want to face it.

I know you better than anyone, Asteria, the man insisted. I know you have twinges of your past. TImes when you remember things you've done, and moments when you feel unrequited rage and anger towards those who wronged you.

"You're wrong!" I yelled in despair.

Now what have I told you about making too much noise? He smirked. "I have nothing left to hide from you, Asteria. You gaining knowledge of my plan won't stop it from happening and you know that as well as I."

"Well then, what the hell do you want?" I spat. When he was silent, I continued. "What do you need me for?"

"I need you to conceive a child," he answered and I swear my heart stopped.

"That's impossible, phoenix-"

"Can't have children? The Council told you that, didn't they?" he started to pace leisurely, as though he thoroughly enjoyed this. It disgusted me. "Well, you can. Plain and simple. You just aren't allowed to."


"Phoenix are born from the ashes of their predecessor, no matter what. But what triggers the flame is a completely different story. I can't just kill you and train the next phoenix to do what I want, I need a stronger version of you. If you create a child with me, even if it is forbidden, you will die and leave behind a child in need of care and direction. I can give both."

"You'll have to force me!" I informed him to which he only smiled.

"Oh, you'll do it willingly, don't worry."

Hey, sorry it's a day late. I forgot and then I was writing all of today because I just got an explosion of ideas and well, you get the picture.

If I get enough votes on this chapter maybe I'll update again tomorrow

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If I get enough votes on this chapter maybe I'll update again tomorrow... especially since this is such a short chapter.

Question of the Chapter: What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?

My Answer: Well, I don't know the weirdest but I thought this question because I had a pretty weird dream last night. My band teacher is like super scary and we're doing this flag fundraiser thing. Anyways, so my dad, mom, and I all show up to do this fundraiser and we're the only people who show up so this teacher (who's super tough and scary) starts breaking down in tears and exclaiming about how she's a terrible teacher. My parents start to console her and I just stand there very uncomfortably. So I spent a very uncomfortable night dreaming about my teacher crying and my parents attempting to cheer her up.

It's weird for me, maybe that's stupid. It's definitely not the weirdest I've had but it's the latest so.

I reverse hate you all! Like, Comment, and Share!!!!!!!

The Last Phoenix- Book 1 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now