Chapter 33

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Asteria Glass

"What's happened?" I gasped, my whole body aching.

You grow more fatigued with each task I give you.


"It worked, that's why," his voice was full of pure glee.

I didn't remember what he was talking about for a moment. "I'm..."

Pregnant, the silky voice whispered. I shivered at the sloppily concealed trimumph.

"No," I refused to believe it. A bowl was pushed through the iron wrought door in my stone cell. I looked into it to see a mash up of what I recognized to be worms. I'd taken a lot of it in my times in school due to my adventures.

Worms aided in regeneration and speeding up growth and healing. He was trying to speed things up. He was trying to speed the pregnancy along.

Eat up.

No, I refused, knowing full well I had no choice in the matter. He'd never given me a choice.

You'll starve.

Then I'll die before this baby is born and the next phoenix won't be any more powerful.

He laughed. I knew you'd say that.

A man, his face covered in a black mask, came in and grabbed the bowl of worms. I crawled backwards away from him but he grabbed my hair and forced my mouth open.

I yelled out and struggled as much as I could but he used a metal rod to poke the worms down my throat. When it was over, my throat was scratched and sore and I knew my voice would only be a croak.

I couldn't remember how it was possible. I couldn't remember when it had happened. The last few days were too fuzzy to remember clearly. Maybe he wanted it that way.

I told you you'd do it willingly, he crowed. Had I really?

The man left with the bowl.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed, leaving my throat feeling like I'd swallowed fire. I felt tears prick my eyes and they streamed down my face as sobs racked my body. Something stirred in my chest, white hot.

So full of fire, he whispered sickeningly. I felt a presence in the room and knew he must be close. I could almost hear the smile in his voice. A tear was flicked from my cheek but I didn't see anyone there. Something blew across my tight jaw, almost as though he was caressing it. 

It's going to be glorious watching it burn you up.

The tears barely got to my chin before they had sizzled and steamed and evaporated. My skin was hot as burning embers and I saw my hands catch fire. My sobs turned into angered screams and I felt my emotions burst.

I looked around the stone room. There was nothing to catch on fire. This only angered me more.

My hair caught fire as well. I blinked and I saw burning towns beneath my eyelids. The immense pleasure I felt was unbearable.

Roaring, I let leash the fire just beneath my skin. Shifting into my phoenix shape, I showered flames everywhere, letting my fury get the better of me. I had to get out of here. I slammed my body into the door and it got out of my way.

I flew as far as I could, as low as I could, letting everything in my wake catch the flame. As trees burned in my path, I felt my anger slowly ebb away. I swooped over houses and fields and as they burned to ash, I felt my fury slowly turn to horror.

The fire no longer held satisfaction or pleasure but fear and death. I had killed people. My tears flowed without steaming and I hit the ground, pain blossoming throughout my body. And with consternation, I found I deserved it.

And I realized what I'd done. I realized the barbarity of my actions. No one had made me do it this time. I hadn't been controlled, it was all me this time.

Keep going, he encouraged.

And I blacked out.

I came to back in my stone cell.

What have I done? I thought it only out of the horrible habit I'd formed over the last few months of truly not knowing. This time I was fully aware.

Don't beat yourself up about it. It's in your blood.

Get out... I thought weakly, secretly not wanting to be left alone.

You forget that you have no secrets from me.

I shivered. "Just give me one minute alone with you," I spat. "I swear I'll tear your throat out."

As much as I'd like to see you try, I don't want you wasting your energy and hurting the baby.

Hey guys. Yet another update. I have a few things I'd like to say. 

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but I just wanted to reiterate that the chapters with Asteria's point of view are on a completely different timeline than the rest of the story. This chapter for example happened before some of the previous chapters. There are points where the timelines converge and in the end they will as well but it's not set in stone.

I also know that this is getting confused. Especially with all the different characters. I know there are a lot of them and I know that it's getting to be a problem for some people. I'm trying to make it less confusing with the aesthetics at the beginning of each chapter but any suggestions you have are very well appreciated. Even if you think I should get rid of some of the characters to cut down on all the perspective changes. Believe me, I've thought about it and I'm still considering it a possibility.

Also, sorry this is kind of a short chapter with Asteria.

Thanks so much for reading this far and trying to stick with the (confusing) storyline. 

Question of the Chapter: Speaking of characters, who (now that we've gotten farther into the story) has become your favorite?

My Answer: Well, I don't really have one. I'll keep asking this question throughout the series just to see how it progresses for you guys along with the story.

I reverse hate you all. See you on Monday!!! Vote, Comment, and Share!!!!

The Last Phoenix- Book 1 of the Legends of Henge SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now