I'm pregnant

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Kayla p.o.v.

I stared at the stick. A plus sign. Pregnant. I felt completely numb as I continued to hold the pregnancy test, the plus sign staring up at me.

Cass was going to lose it. How was I going to tell him? We were in love, but our complicated lives kept us from having the “normal” relationship I desperately wanted. We did our best. What kind of parents would we be?

Pregnant. Settling down and having a baby with the person I loved was about as normal as you could get. The numbness began to wear off as a warmth spread through me. A baby! A little life, half me and half Cass.

I ran to the kitchen where I found Cass cooking breakfast for the bunker. I took in the stacks of pancakes and two frying pans full of bacon.

“Honey, you know it’s just me, Sam, and Dean, right? You aren’t feeding an army,” I said, wrapping my arms around him from behind.

“You all eat like one,” he replied, without a trace of teasing. I grinned.“Well, I’m about to start eating more.”

Cass turned from the oven and looked at me.“Are you not eating enough? I could fix more food…” He glanced toward the refrigerator. 

“No, I don’t need more food this morning. But as the baby grows, I imagine I’ll eat quite a bit.” I watched his face closely to gauge his reaction.  

 He processed my words quickly, and in just a few seconds I saw the realization sweep across his face. His mouth fell slack in surprise.

 Please be happy, I thought. This is a good thing. You’re…” He didn’t finish his question“I’m pregnant.” I said.

In a split second his beautiful face crumbled in pure fear. "Y-y-y you're pregnant?" he stuttered. I've never seen him so afraid in my life, it kind of scared me.

"Cass, what's wrong did I do something wrong?" I said, with fear in my voice. He just shook his head not saying anything to me.

"No, it wasn't you it was me I should have never done this. Y-y-you could die."

As I looked at him I saw him disappear in thin air. I was shocked to see him no longer standing in front of me. I was puzzled to why he had left me? What did I do wrong?

"Kayla have you seen...Kay are you okay what happened?" Dean asked me.

"Cass just left," I said with wet eyes. Dean looked at me questionably. "Are you okay Kayla." 

I didn't even want to explain what happened so I said, "I'm pregnant." He looked at me with aww

"Really that's good. Are you going to tell Cass."

I looked down at my stomach and looked up at Dean. "I did." tears began to fall from my eyes.

Dean looked at me confused. "He left Dean he left me after told him about the baby. He doesn't want it. He left us."

Dean took me in his arm's and held me close. "I'll kill him."

"No it's okay it's not his fault I'm the one pregnant."


Kayla p.o.v.

“So what happened exactly?” Sam asked, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

“I’m going to kill him,” Dean muttered. He’d been pacing the room in front of me and it was all I or Sam could do to stop him from grabbing his gun from his bedroom.

“Dean,” I started.

“No. I’m going to kill him.”

“I’m sure he’ll be back,” Sam said, half to me and a half to our brother.

“I know we didn’t exactly plan on this, but I just didn’t expect him to…” I trailed off, shaking my head. “I’m freaked out, too, but I didn’t run away!”

“So not a word? He just disappeared?”

“Like that,” me said, snapping my fingers. 

“Son of a bitch,” Dean said. I reached for another tissue from the box Sam was holding out for me when a crash resounded from down the hallway. I looked to one another before jumping to my feet.

Sam put his arm in front of me, keeping me behind him as the three of us headed down the hall. 

“Did that come from my room?” I hissed at them. Dean turned, putting his finger to his lips. I approached the doorway of my bedroom and watched as Sam and Dean peered around it, tensed up. I saw their stances relax and pushed my way around them to look inside for myself.

Cass was standing in the middle of my bedroom, arms were laden down; and as I stepped closer, I saw what was in them: onesies, bottles, a stuffed koala bear. A package of diapers had fallen from his hands and onto the dresser, knocking my jewelry box to the floor.

“I…I just thought…” he trailed off as he struggled to maintain his hold on the items in his hands, and I walked to him silently.

“We’ll leave you alone,” Sam said with a smile and shut the door behind me.

I gently took the diapers and clothes, the bottles and stuffed bear from him, placing them in a neat line across my bed. I kept hold of the koala, holding it tightly in my arms as I looked over the tiny onesies.

“There were a lot of sizes. For the diapers, too. I didn’t realize…I didn’t know which ones…” Cass looked to me, unsure of himself and his actions, watching with growing trepidation as I brought my hand to wipe at my eyes.

“You can teach me. I’ll get better. I don’t know a lot about babies right now, but I’m sure in time–”

“Shut up,” I finally said, turning back to him. He stopped immediately, letting his hands fall to his sides. He was staring back at me, this ageless angel, never having looked so young or terrified in all the time I'd known him. Just the way  I felt. Yet, he was standing beside me while you hugged the stuffed bear to my chest, and looking at me like I were his entire world, his entire universe.

“You’re in this with me?” I asked. He blinked at me twice, staring as if he must have misunderstood.

“Of course I am.”

“Then that’s all we need right now,” I said, shaking my head. I pulled him to me tightly, the bear still between me as I held it one arm.  I laughed in his embrace while the tears fell, and he held you tighter, running his hands over my hair.


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