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Kayla p.o.v

I had decided that Pregnancy sucked. I couldn't do anything without one of the Sam, Dean or Cass telling you off, especially Cass. I do have to admit Cassis cautious of me putting a strain on the baby during the 3rd trimester, 7 months so far has been quite the trip for the both of us. But he, as well as the others, do not need to baby me constantly about it.

I sigh, my feet resting on a beanbag in front of where I am sitting, with my arms folded just above my 7-month bump. I would have never thought pregnancy could be so hard and tiring, and disgusting because of my weird cravings. When I traveled around with Cass everyone is quite... Appalled at my dinner plate. On my plate, there is a mixture of varied meats which I had drenched in Hershey's Chocolate Sauce I had brought from the bunker because I was craving it so much. And that was two months ago!

But the thing that I really, really hated, was the feeling of constantly being turned on and horny. And Cass would not do anything about it! My own mate, denying me sex when he himself has the libido of a dog in heat? Preposterous! He wasn't even here to help me now, being on a hunt with Dean...Again

'I need a hot bath... It'll give me something to do' I thought, getting up slowly with the help of the sofa arm. I headed towards Cass and I's bedroom to undress.

Cass and I shared a bedroom with large, blue sheets on a 4 poster bed with white and silver cushions. I smiled as I passed the nursery, it was completely done and Cass keeps making changes he wants it to be perfect for when our little girl gets here.

I pulled off the jumper that I was wearing and shimmied out of my lounge pants so I was left in my bra and underwear. Well, I could only see my bra if I looked down... I caught sight of myself in the mirror as I unconsciously rubbed the taut skin of my belly and in reply, I felt a small kick or elbow. I couldn't tell, yet I smiled anyway.
"Hello, little one... Decided to make yourself known today?" I spoke to my bump, chuckling at the feeling of another kick.

"Carrying suits you, darling" Came a voice from behind me, and as I looked up from my bump into the mirror, Cass' smile reflected back at me.
"I thought you would be away for a few more weeks?" I question, it was quite odd seeing him back so soon from a mission of any kind.
"The mission was quite a simple dear, even Dean on his own could do it" Cass chuckled, walking up behind me and placing his hands on either side of my quite large stomach.

"I was just about to run a bath..." I start, yet Cass interrupts.
"No need for you to do so, you are clean after all... Did I ever tell you how radiant you look? I never thought it was possible for you being so" Cass said, looking down at me with his bright blue eyes.
"No...? How do I look radiant?" I asked confusion etched onto my features. I could feel him chuckle against my back.

"Pregnancy suits you, you are ever so full and curvy now..." He ran his hands from my stomach to my hips, emphasizing his point, my breathing hitched. "Your skin is practically glowing darling"
"As much as I'd love to agree with you... I don't see your point..." I mumble, face starting to turn pink at the proximity of him behind me.

"Would you like me to show you? I do believe you have been practically begging for something like this." Cass smirked, watching my face in the mirror become flushed with arousal.
"So easy to turn you on now my love" He chuckled, gently nipping the top of my ear to make his point clear. I close my eyes, shuddering against him.

I moan softly as Castiel's hands gently squeeze your round hips.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you had...needs." He muttered into the crook of my neck, nuzzling the sensitive skin there.

Just before I was about to swear at him, he reached down and swept me up off my feet. I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck for support. Cass just smiled and laid me out onto the blue sheets of the bed carefully.

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