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Kayla P.O.V

I stepped out of the shower, pulling my wet hair back and wringing it out before toweling off. I slipped into my pajamas, smiling down when the buttons almost didn't fit over my belly that had begun protruding much more the past few weeks. I ran a hand over it gently, eyes widening when suddenly I felt something new; some movement from inside. I gasped, pressing against your skin a little harder, unsure if I'd only imagined it. But there! There it was again, definitely a kicking from inside and goosebumps bloomed over my skin.

"Cas!" I yelled, pulling on my pajama bottoms hastily and hurrying out of the bathroom. I called his name again as I walked quickly down the hallway and found him sitting at the library table across from Sam and Dean. He turned to me, concern etched across his face. But I smiled at him, wider than ever with my hands over my stomach, and ran the rest of the way, nearly launching myself into his lap. His hands wrapped around my back in surprise to keep me from tipping over.

"What's happening?" he asked anxiously.

"Kicking," you said breathlessly. "The baby is kicking."

"Hunter already," Dean said proudly.

"This is the first time?" Sam asked, and I nodded at him across the table.

"Feel!" Cas! Feel!" I pulled his hand to my swollen stomach. "Your daughter is kicking me!"

Cas waited patiently until there was another little bump against my stomach. His face was full of wonder, but I watched, confused, as it turned to fear "We're having a daughter."Yeah...what is it, Cas? What's wrong?"

His tone made me nervous "What if I'm not a good father? I don't exactly have experience. Look at our lives, Kayla. We can't give her a normal life."

He was voicing all the fears that had run through my mind since I found out I was pregnant. My need to comfort Cas kicked in, and I took his hands. "Maybe we can't give her 'normal'. But we'll give her enough love to make up for it." I told him.

I encouraged Cas to touch my stomach. I looked up to him and were surprised to see the fear so prevalent in his blue eyes.

"Cas," you said, taking his hand in mine. "Just feel it." I brought it over my stomach, towards the right side, and applied some pressure, holding his hand there until I felt it again. Light flashed across his eyes like stardust in the night sky and you let out a laugh. He brought his other hand to my stomach and watched with fascination as our baby kicked again.

"She's strong," he said in awe, looking to you. You nodded at him, grinning.

"Like her dad," you replied.

"You guys think it's a girl?" Sam asked.

"We have a hunch, nothing more."

"She's amazing," Cas said softly, and pressed against my belly a little tighter, waiting, breathless, to feel his child's movement once more.


"I don't think Sam and Dean are upset, Kayla," Cas said as you made my way down the stairs of the bunker.

"They just hung up so fast. I thought they'd be excited to have a niece. This bunker doesn't need another smelly boy running around and leaving the toilet seat up. You're happy it's a girl, right?"

"I'm very happy," he said with a smile. I walked through the war room together and into the library, stopping in my tracks and taking in the sight in front of me.

"What is all this?" you asked with a smile. Sam and Dean stood when m
I entered, revealing a small pile of gifts on the library table. They were unwrapped except for the one, large pink bow atop the stuffed giraffe standing tall above them all. There were toys and pacifiers, a soft, blue receiving blanket replete with clouds and angels.

"We found a few things," Dean shrugged, but I could see the smile playing at his mouth.

"A few things?" I laughed, stepping closer to the table. There was a onesie that looked like a little suit and I held it up with a smile. "She's not going on cases with you guys. Fake ID or not."

"C' mon, babies get a free pass everywhere!" Dean teased.

"Look at this one," Sam said excitedly, pulling out the tiniest little coat you'd ever seen. It looked just like a miniature version of Cas' and I brought my hand to my mouth as you touched the sleeves.

"So tiny," Cas murmured, taking it from Sam's hands.

"Where did you guys get all this?"

"Ordered it all a few weeks ago from some site online. Etsy, I think. Just waiting to see what color bow to put on all of it," Dean said.

"Oh my god, you were on Etsy?"

"Sam was," he corrected quickly.

"Right. Just like it was me who made the account for 'next time'," Sam said with a laugh

"Hey, my niece is getting one of a kind stuff, not some generic Walmart crap that every kid has. Do you not love her, Sam?"

"I do," he laughed. "I do love..." he trailed off, looking to me and Cas. "Have you picked out a name?"

"I'm telling you, name the kid Abby. Abby's doing well in life," Dean said.

"I knew an Abby in high school, that would be weird," Sam added.

"You're weird."

"Ella. Ella is a great name," he continued.

"Are you kidding me with this, Sam? Try to take this seriously. Come on. It's like amateur hour up in here."

"Guys," you interrupted.

"Says the guy who suggested Holt for a boy's name," Sam retorted.


"Holt's a good, strong name! Holt is a hunter's name."

"What if Holt doesn't want to be a hunter? What if he wanted to be a doctor?"

"What, you think they're going to kick a kid out of medical school because of his first name?"

"Guys!" I shouted. They looked to you, eyebrows raised. I caught Cas' eye and gave him a nod and a smile, letting my hand fall to my belly.

"We're naming her Mary," Cas told them. Both of their faces went slack with surprise, unnamable emotions passing through their eyes.

"If that's alright," I added quickly.

Sam cleared his throat and nodded at me, licking his lips.

"That's-that's really nice, guys. Mary's a great name," he said. His voice was thick.

Dean swallowed, seemingly unable to get any words out.

"There's a night light somewhere, too," he finally said, looking to the gifts. "I think I left it in my room. I'll go find it." He turned without another word and headed down the hall, and I shared a smile with Cas.

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