Chapter 3

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One word for the Forrest would be dark, another would be frightening. one of the main reasons that the forest is dangerous is beacause it's outside of Leo's pack territory.
I had previously mind linked Kat and asked her to tell me where she was. I repeated the place she had described to Leonardo and by the look on his face, he seemed to be worried.

Now can you imagine the type of Heart attack I had when he told me that she was no longer on his territory. That Kat was no longer protected by the pack's borders but instead surrounded by vicious rogues waiting for a young or weak prey they can feed from.

That's the thing about rogues. There are many different and evolved species of rogues like for example me and Kat. We ran away from our pack due to our father. To put it in simple terms, a rogue is a wolf not belonging to a pack. 99% of the time is due to them either being exiled for committing a crime or losing their mate.
A werewolf is half human and half wolf but when he/she loses their mate, they slowly slowly begin to lose their mind until finally losing complete control of the humanity.

That is unfortunately what's happening to my father, Jim. He hasn't gotten to that point yet but his process already has begun.

It just so happens that the woods occupied by most rogues is the one near the Red Killer's pack.... Just our luck.
Every Time we heard a noise,  Leo would pull me even closer to him and I would be the one to push him away. It's not like I didn't feel the mate bond. I felt that I could feel it too much. The way my heart beat increased whoever he was next to me. The feeling of butterflies In my stomach the moment are skin made contact. The craving of hot brownies and cookies I got. (Who am I kidding? I always got that craving).

The reason for me pushing him away is because I can not trust anyone. I trusted my mother, she died. I trusted my father, he destroyed that trust by hurting my sister and I.
People always manage to leave me, to destroy to destroy and break ain't her piece of the humanity ii have left.

I can't trust anyone else.

I just can't.

"Kat, sweetie are you okay?' I mindlinked her to ease my worries only to increase them when I got no reply.

What if I was too late?

I couldn't bare the thought.

"Hey, everything's going to be fine" Leo advised, "We'll find your sister and then both of you can join my pack" I guess even he could feel my uneasiness because he put his arm round my shoulders and for once I didn't stop him.

After what felt like forever, I began to smell out my sister's scent. I couldn't have been more happy except the scent mixed with my sister's it smelt of......... Rogue's.

Leo and I immediately shifted to our wolf forms and even though I didn't want a mate, I couldn't help but admire his wolf. His fur was dark as night herself except for the tips of his ear and tail which were as white as snow.

His eyes glowed bright turquoise with a hint of yellow in them.

A small scream made me snap out of my thoughts and run towards it without a slight thought of hesitation. As we got closer and closer, I saw something that made my heart break. There was Kat, her previous pink dress was torn and her shoes were no where to be seen. She was currently surrounded by about five rogues, all of which were growling and snarling while she muffled small cries.

"We have to do something" I advised through mind link "I can't just watch my baby sister die in front of my eyes".

"I know love, but you can't just attac-" I didn't let Leo finish his sentence before I jumped in front of my sister and preparing to attack.

Leonardo's P. O. V.

How can I even begin to describe my mate?

Let's see: Beautiful, stubborn, reckless, hard headed, sometimes forgets how to think.

I know that she wanted to save her sister but she just endangered her life as well. I watched as one of the rogue's was about to attack her but before he could I jumped and bit his neck until he went limp.

That's all it took for a fight to start.

I had to admit even at times like this my mate was still beautiful, a rogue was about to pounce on her sister but she didn't even give him a chance before she bit him on his shoulder and due to the bite the rogue died (even though we die of wolfsbane. Etc. When another wolf bites us it's usually fatal).

I whimpered when one of them got behind my wolf form and tackled me. I didn't notice his claws digging deep in my Chest due to the adrenaline but I did see the red blood flowing out. We fought and it lasted more then I could have thought it would but I was an Alpha so the rogue was no match for me. I looked for my mate and found her, fighting off the biggest rogue, by the looks of it she was winning but after fighting so many rogues even I could see that she was getting tired.

The rogue clawed at Sam's front legs which made her fall which gave the rogue an opportunity to jump on her.

I growled and tackled the rogue off. He was quite a big rogue and I had never in my life fought a rogue this strong before but after a few claw marks, I bit his neck and watched as the life from his eyes disappeared, not that it was there before.
We had won the battle between the current rogues but we had other problems. More out casts kept coming and coming and soon enough-

We were outmatched.

My Mate, The Alpha #wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora