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Tempest lives in a small cabin nestled among towering bluffs along the shores of the swirling ocean. She was alone, for reasons she can't say.

Everyday she hikes up the cliff high above the stormy ocean waves, and everyday she leans just a bit farther over the edge, swaying like a thin branch in the salty breeze, tempting fate.

But everyday, something pulls her back away from the edge and back onto solid ground, keeping her from falling.

Today was no different. She hiked up the bluff, bare feet slipping in the soft sand as she pushed her way up onto the solid rock of the cliff. She sat down and scooted towards the edge until her legs dangled over. She peered past her feet swinging in the breeze into the dark waters below. Her stomach heaved as she imagined the terror of plunging over and smashing into the waters below.

She leaned further over until her fingers could brush her toes, before she pulled back and curled her knees to her chest.

Why did she put herself through this? She shook her head, the wind playing with her hair. She did this to prove she was stronger; that this would not rule over her.

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