Chapter One

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Chapter One

I sighed as I proceed to go home. I was walking under the cover of clouds, so it's neither sunny nor rainy. Which is not great, I want for it to rain. And so it rained. I skip along my steps while splashing water under my feet, but hid the enjoyment. People may come out of the corner and see how ugly I look when smiling. I don't need the treatment right now. It took a toll on me, but I got so used to it that it sounds normal to me now. But that doesn't mean I'm not hurt or affected by them.

I sighed for like the millionth time for the day. As always, my eyes are dead, lifeless. And my face with its usual poker face. But if you look closer, you can see the corners of my mouth smiling, and a glint can be seen in my eyes. What can I say, it's raining.

Since my house is kinda far from human civilization, considering that I am near the borders, I'm still in the city yet in the farthest. Let's just say it's far away from human civilization because no one goes there.

After a few minutes, I finally reached my house, but stopped at my front porch, then sat at the wet grass. It's still raining and I'm soaking wet. Moreover, I am sitting on the floor of the Earth and I'm sure my pants are going to be muddy. Sigh. Instead of getting up, I stayed there and looked up in the sky, then close my eyes, letting the raindrops to fall in my face. A small smile can be seen in my face while I am still looking up. Then I cried, mixing my tears with the raindrops.

This is why I love the rain. I can cover my tears, and I can have the ability to smile, even for just a bit. You see, I can only make a smile when I'm crying. Ironic, but I love it because it's a kind of camouflage, allowing people to think that it is tears of joy. I sat there for who knows long, and when I willed for the rain to stop, the warm embrace of the sun shone in my face, making the tears and the rain that is soaking my body dry clean. I was dry, but I still need to take a bath later.

Since I'm feeling lazy to get up to my house, I lay on the grass, relaxing under the sun. Well, let's just say the weather became cloudy again. I momentarily closed my eyes again, and then fell asleep.

I open my eyes when I felt something nudging my cheeks. I got up, then look around but saw no one.

I heard a 'meow', so I looked down and saw weird 10 kittens staring at me in wonder. The one in the fiery orange fur and weird violet eyes meowed again, and I sensed that he was the one who nudged me awake. He's the leader I guess, considering that the others are behind him, as if waiting for his orders.

I kneel down and bend my body towards so I can at least put up with their height. Now that I'm nearer, I studied them one by one. The fiery orange one has really weird linings in his violet eyes, and his body is full of...piercings? It's a style, I guess? The one a few steps behind him is a pretty one, with violet fur and a flower origami in her head. Well, I just assumed it's a girl, because it's pretty. Girls' intuitions. The other one looks like a fish and has a baby blue fur with a few dark blue areas, the other one red and looks like as if it's arguing with the yellow one with blue eyes, the silver man hissing with a ...stitched..? grayish I don't know fur, and another one that can be described as yin and yang, a pure black one with weird red eyes, and a hyper black one that looks like as if it has a swirly orange mask on. Yep, they're weird, but cute.

I turned to the one with piercings. "Hello there, felines. How may I help you?" I know they won't reply, but I was surprised when he started meowing, as if saying something.

I sighed. " I don't speak cat, sweetie. You need a place to stay? Come,"

He nodded much to my surprise and I nearly choked when they formed a line following me, with the orange in front.

I narrowed my eyes at them, now remembering something. " You guys look familiar..."

When we got inside my house, I sat in my fluffy rug and pat the place beside me. " Come here guys," I ushered the kittens and they obediently sat.

"Since you look like people that I know, and my most favorite people I know, I'm gonna name you all after the Akatsuki members. Besides, you are all ten and can be compared with their looks."

The kittens seem to stiffen at my words. Or is it just my imagination? Oh Huise, stop. You're life isn't a fanfiction. Right?

I pointed to the kittens one by one. "You, dear leader will be Pein. You're Konan, my favorite female character. You two, stop arguing, Deidara and Sasori. You with the stitches, Kakuzu. Yin yang kitten, I'll name you Zetsu and the black one will be Itachi. The one with orange swirly mask- like, Tobi. And the fish like one will be Kisame. And oh, " I said as I reached out to the silver one with fuchsia eyes and cuddled him, " You'll be named after my favorite character, Hidan. Your looks and attitude is exactly like him. And you have a Jashinist necklace around your neck, eh? Where'd you got that?" I said as I looked at his eyes. How cute.

My next actions took me off guard. I smiled at the kitten in front of me. Or maybe it's just me? I don't smile around humans. Bless these beings, they aren't humans, or they would despise me too, like all people who would have.

" I have the same necklace, Hidan," I said as I pulled out my necklace under my shirt. His eyes widened and tried to get my necklace. " And it's identical with yours." I kissed the tip of his nose and set him down.

I looked at all of them. " You must all be hungry guys. I'll go get something. Stay here, okay? Don't break anything, especially you, Hidan."

The other kittens snickered at Hidan while he hissed at them and meowed angrily.

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