Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I woke up to see the kittens all around me. Hidan snuggling comfortably in my chest, in the right side of my neck Pein and Konan, on the left side Sasori and Deidara are tangled together, and it looks cute because it's like as if they're hugging each other to sleep. On my stomach there's Itachi and Tobi, while Kisame and Zetsu is somewhere near my legs. Kakuzu,well, he's in my bedside table, counting my money. How did he even got that out of my wallet? I sweat dropped. They're really like the Akatsuki. And owning them is the best thing that happened to me.

"Hey, Kakuzu. Good morning," he looked up to me and nodded. Yup, I forgot to wake us all up yesterday for dinner. I must be that tired. Well, I bet that we're all hungry.

"Are you hungry? Help me wake them up," the said kitten jumped in my bed and began poking them. Soon enough, they are all awake except this silver cat in my chest, who seems a heavy sleeper. I smiled at the sight.

"Hidan," I cooed. " Wake up, my little Jashinist," With those words, he woke up and stared at me with sleepy eyes. I smiled at him, and then he finally got out of my chest, but then curled up in my bed beside me. I sighed and just carried him in my arms as always and also ushered the kittens out of my room.

I set them all near the table counter and let them watch me cook. As soon as I was finished, I put a separate plate of pancakes for them, and sliced it into smaller pieces so they can eat easily. As their noses smelled the food, they began eating. But before Hidan could ever get to the plate, I ushered him to another plate, which is smaller.

"There you go, Hidan."

He sniffed the food first then after a few seconds, began wolfing it down. I guess he really is hungry.

After 10 minutes, we were all done eating and went to the living room. I sat down in one of the couches and the other kittens did the same. Except for Hidan though, since he's in my arms.

" I really see the Akatsuki in you guys," I seem to caught their attention when I said this." You know, I actually see bad guys as misunderstood good guys in my perspective. I don't hate them instead, I understand them. I mean, there has to be something that happened for them to be like that, right? I wish they were real though," I said, hugging the silver kitten closer. "Pein and Konan can be my parents, Itachi, Sasori, Kakuzu and Kisame can be my older brothers, Tobi and Deidara can be my playmates, and Zetsu can be guardian! Hehe," I smiled as I think of the sceneries, but then frowned. " I wish I have a family..."

I can feel it coming. The nausea, and then a sudden pain in the chest. Sadly, I was too far from my medicines to take them. Well this happens often. I just have to embrace the pain and endure it for who knows how long. I set Hidan down.

"AAAAAAH!" I screamed, trembling while hugging myself. It's so painful. I suddenly feel so depressed, and the heavy burden in my chest is breaking me. I have to endure this. It hurts so much. I got out of the couch and drag myself out of the house, with the kittens behind me. I want to smile, but I can't. It's enough to know that they are concerned of their owner.

I bend down trembling in my grass field. Whimpering in pain, I cried and cried. Soon enough, I felt raindrops touching my body and I look to see that it's raining. I look over to my kittens, worried.

"G-guys, le-leave me here, please, o-or you'll get so-soaked i-in the r-rain. I'm –fi-fine he-here, okay?" I tried to say to them however, they did not listen. Instead they come closer to me, despite that it's raining. I can feel their warmth a little, calming myself down a bit.

I felt a sudden pain again. "Ahhhh!" I sobbed and sobbed, it was so painful I want to kill myself to stop it already.

After who-knows-how-long, I can feel the rain subsiding and my clothes getting dry, as well as the pain. Huh, I survived another attack. I don't think I'll be able to survive the next ones, though. My fighting spirit is already weak. I can't even cheer myself up.

I smiled a bit and look around to see my kittens, but they're nowhere to be seen. I panicked in my place, thinking of the possible reasons why they left me. Soon enough, a list piles in my head and I began crying. I guess I'm a horrible owner and even kittens wouldn't want me.

I cried while hugging my legs to my chest. "Where are you guys..."

I felt a pair of arms surround me, and a voice, assuring me. I stopped crying and calmed down when I felt the warmth.

"Ssshhh, it's okay. Calm down, we're here. We're still here,"

I was stunned. A human...?

I looked behind me to see a silver head with fuchsia eyes hugging me, and behind him people wearing identical cloaks with red clouds. And to say that they look like my kittens is an understatement. My eyes widened, realizing who they are.

I looked to the man who is cuddling me to his chest. " Hi-Hidan? I-is that yo-you?"

He smirked. "Yes, it's f- me, b- I mean, what's your name?"

I smiled back, something I have never done to a human being. " I'm Huise, but call me Nikri." I hugged him back and snuggled to his chest. He felt warm.

" Okay, f- Nikri, let's get you to your f- house. You don't mind?"

I nodded, too preoccupied to surround myself with the warmth that I never felt before. Soon enough, he carried me to my house, with the others following him.

For the first time in years, I felt the burden in my chest loosen.

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