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Sorry it's been so long. I had a massive writers block and yea....


When Percy woke up again, he heard the sound of crying. His eyes widened and he jumped up from the cot, running to the cage bars. He stared out into the dim room and located the source. Nico was curled into a tight ball, his shoulders shaking. 'I need to get his attention' Percy thought desperately, 'I need noise! Wait, wasn't there a metal bowl some where around here?' He limped to the corner with the bowl and spoon and started drumming soft enough as to not alert Hades but loud enough Nico could hear. Said boy's head jerked up and he looked in the general direction of Percy.

"Who's there? Perce, is that you? Where are you?" Nico asked, sounding slightly panicked. Percy banged on the bowl again, trying to say yes. "Wait, wait, gimme one bang for yes, two for no and three for I don't know." Bang! "Ok, are you Perseus Jackson, son of the Sea God?" Bang! "Oh thank the gods Perce. Can you speak?" Bang bang! "Are you gagged or anything?" Bang bang! "Dang alright. Do you know why you can't?" Bang bang! "Are you in good condition?" Here is where Percy got confused. He was right in front of Nico! Couldn't he see him? But Perce banged once anyway, still slightly worried. He watched as Nico's whole posture relaxed, from the set of his feet to the lines around his eyes. 'Oh gods, his EYES!' Percy thought. His eyes were now an electric, very vivid blue. And his pupils had disappeared. Percy's hands shot out and grabbed Nico's shoulders through the bars, holding him in place. Nico jumped, and Percy's eyebrow furrowed. He traced his fingertips around Nico's eyes. Nico's expression became slightly pained. "I can't see Perce. Is that what you're asking?" Percy tapped once against Nico's temple, then started running his fingers over Nico's face, not really noticing what he was doing.

"Ermm...Perce? What are you doing?" Nico asked, blushing slightly. Heh, he's kinda cute when he blushes. WHOA WAIT WHAT? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?! Ok not continuing that train of thought. I'm STRAIGHT thanks, I've got Annabeth. Right? I mean, sure we hadn't really been talking for quite awhile before I was kidnapped but we're still dating....right? Whatever we'll deal with this later, I'm getting a headache. How about we do something constructive, ok Percy? Ok me!

Just as Percy snatched his hands away, a door that neither of them had noticed slammed open and hades stormed into the room. His face was set in a ugly glare. Boy if looks could kill we'd be well on our way to staying here... Percy thought.

"Who's there!?" Nico shouted, whipping his head in Hades' direction. Percy winced, this was not going to be good.

"You dare speak to me, you filthy homo? You dare speak to me when you are not even worthy of the skin you live in?" Hades rumbled ominously, stalking towards the boy. Nico pressed his back firmer against the bars of Percy's cage and whimpered quietly. He had been on the receiving end of Hades' wrath before. He knew how violent Hades could get.

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