Pain Forever

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A/N: Just a warning, this chapter focuses on Nico's torture so yea... sad. Please comment so I can get some feedback and know what I need to work on. I'm pretty sure there's a lot... ^_< Enjoy!


Judging by the way Hades' face was now a mask of fury and disgust, along with some gut instinct, Percy knew what was about to happen wouldn't be pretty. They way that Nico was trembling was also a good clue. Percy opened his mouth to shout at Hades but quickly remembered he couldn't when only a soft puff of air made it's way past his lips. His eyes narrowed in irritation. He had to get the idiot god's attention! Percy glanced around then mentally face palmed. The bowl! Mentally smacking himself, Percy scooped up the bowl and banged on it a couple times. Hades slowly lifted his head to Percy, with an expression of boredom.

"WHAT, do you need, Perseus Jackson? Can you NOT tell I'm a bit busy?" Hades asked incredulously. Percy rolled his eyes at the god and jabbed a finger at his throat, then held up his hands. Just ten minutes. Give me my voice back for ten minutes. He thought desperately. Hades cocked his head slightly and seemed to be pondering.

"Mmmmm... I'm going to have to say... no." Percy's eyes narrowed in anger and he shook just one hand at Hades. "Again, no, Jackson. You'll just do the 'heroic' thing and try to talk me out of torturing dear little Nico here. I'd rather not loose my cool with you. " Percy's eyes widened at the word 'torturing'. Hades chuckled and looked back to Nico, studying him as if he were some sort of new and exotic species. Suddenly he snapped his fingers and conjured up a set of odd looking knives. They were electric blue and had lines of white running through them. They seemed to hum. Hades grabbed one and smirked wickedly. "Ever been in a fight with a son of Zeus boy?"

Hades brought the knife near Nico's ear and even from my spot I could hear the zap. Those are charged! Dam it what can I do?! But any thought of prevention soon left Percy's mind as Hades cut along Nico's cheek.



To say Annabeth was worried would be an under statement. She was terrified out of her mind. About a month ago, Percy had gone missing, again. So had Nico. While Annabeth was plenty worried about Nico she was more so about Percy, for obvious reasons. She had been the first to discover the two were gone. And while it was normal for Nico to disappear, it was out if the question for her Seaweed Brain. And this time she was sure the disappearances were connected somehow. On both boys beds, there had been a pile of bones.

Please don't be in the Underworld. Please don't be in Tartarus. Please be safe. Please be alright. Please be ALIVE.



Zeus was furious and worried. The rumbles of thunder could tell you that much, not to mention the super storm over New York. Poseidon was the same and the ocean was restless and treacherous. Hades had been gone for over a month. Poseidon and Zeus both had tried numerous times to contact him but the god of the Underworld was hidden from them. It was not necessarily the god's disappearance that had them worried. No, it was the fact that it coincided with Percy and Nico's disappearance. Hades had been known for his violent ways and he hadn't been at all happy when Nico's secret had come out.

Hades I swear by my trident if you have harmed my son I will feed you to the Kraken a dozen times over. Then to all the other messy eaters in the sea.

Hades I really do hope you haven't hurt either boy. Really it would be a shame to take away your godly status. You know the rules, brother.


*back in the Underworld*

When the knife first pressed into Nico's skin, he let out a pained whimper. Percy heard little zaps emitting from the blade. When Hades actually drew the knife, painfully slowly, across his cheek Nico screamed. Blue arcs of electricity leapt from the knife to various parts of the boy. His hand, his hip, his arms. Hades cut along his other cheek,his arms, legs, hips, everywhere. Short little cuts that sent rivulets of blood down the teen. Nico kept screaming and screaming until his voice gave out and he coughed up blood. When he finally passed out, Hades stepped away from and surveyed the boy like an artist would their newest piece. He chuckled a bit then actually laughed when he saw Percy's face. It was a mask of pure, unadulterated terror. There were tears pouring from his eyes and he was very pale. Hades laughed again.

"Never get in my bad side boy. You're lucky you're not a freak of nature too or I'd have to flay you alive. Got that? Then again, I may decide that a good way to get to it might be you." Hades

chuckled maliciously and a shiver went down Percy's spine like a cold finger.

Yay!! I updated! tell me what you think guys!

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