New Fears

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OH MY HADES! YOU GUYS ARE POSITIVELY AMAZING!! This fic has 150+ reads! This chap isn't your guys' present. Sorry. Oh and I am going to try to stay in third person POV now. Sorry if I slip up, first person just pops out once in awhile. :P Shoutout to _waiting_writer_ for the most entertaining comment yet! Please ignore the notice. It was suppose to come before this but I screws up and yeah I'm stupid. Alright enjoy, my lovelies!



Nico woke up to a vise grip on his forearm. He cried out as the grip tightened and then he was being dragged across the rough floor. Who is this?! I can't tell! I wish I could see! I'm so scared, what if it's Hades again? His thoughts raced a million miles an hour as he was shoved down to the ground again. He could feel the person's stare practically burning holes into him. He started shaking. No no no no no not again! please not Hades! Unfortunately it was.

"Come on freak! Walk! I don't care if you can't see!" He yelled kicking Nico's ribs. Nico grunted and coughed as he stood shakily. He sensed Hades behind him and took a few steps forward slowly, his hands slightly in front of his body. Hades growled and shoved Nico, impatient with how slow he was walking. Nico stumbled and fell. He tried to get back up but his limbs were shaking from pain, fear and exhaustion. Hades roared and picked up the boy, throwing him to the opposite wall. Nico's head hit the wall with a crack and he slid to the ground in a heap. He looked up shakily, dazed.

Percy's mouth was open in a silent yell, his face horrified. Hades turned and smirked at him, kicking Nico in the stomach. Percy tried to yell again but still, nothing would come out. Hades kicked the boy, again and again. His arms, legs, chest, ribs, stomach. Nico was bleeding in multiple places and was trembling, silent tears streaming down his face. And yet he was not broken for he looked up at Hades and spat at him. Hades chuckle turned into a growl and he stooped down and yanked Nico's head back by his hair.

"So your spirits not broken yet, eh freak? Well we have all the time in the world to fix that don't we? Don't worry, freak, I'll be back tomorrow with a little present for you. I'm sure you'll love it. I'm afraid in the meantime you'll have to deal with me. " Hades hissed at Nico and threw him down. Hades stood up and strode towards Percy and his cage. Percy, being the brave soul he is, backed away from the god. Hades chuckled.

"Scared, little hero? Don't worry your time will come soon enough for your time outside the cage. I seem to remember you loved being denied water. Oh, and that wonderful meal I made you!" Hades grinned evilly as Percy's eyes widened in fear, his torture before Nico came flashing through his mind. Percy shook his head, terror plain as day in his eyes. Hades started chuckling again and turned back to Nico.

"Now. Let the real fun begin!" With that, the god of the Underworld flung Nico over his shoulder and walked out of the room. They did not return for several hours.



Fear was lancing it's way through Percy's heart and mind. Flashbacks of his time in the deepest dungeon of the Underworld.

He was strapped to a leather chair. Hades stood by him, a medical needle between his fingers, an evil grin on his face. Percy groaned, the position he was in aggravated the gashes on his back. Hades stepped closer with the needle and in one motion stabbed it into Percy's neck.

"Now you get a taste of true pain, boy. Does it taste nice?" Hades whispered in Percy's ear. Percy was confused. He didn't feel anything but a slight tingle spreading through his body. The tingling turned to a painful itch. Then to fire. To molten lava hotter than Mt. Saint Helen. Percy let out a noise that a drakon couldn't rival. He screamed a blood-curdling, mind-numbing, ear-splitting scream. He screamed and screamed until he coughed up blood and thought his vocal cords would snap. And still he screamed, he thought his blood had surely been turned to lava. When the blackness came, he welcomed it, though he was unsure if it was from pain or lack or oxygen.

Percy blinked as he came out of the flashback, realizing he was curled in the fetal position. He hardly had time to think before another claimed his mind.

Percy was laying on a concrete platform , the size of a queen bed. All around him was water. Clear, blue, drinkable water. Percy stumbled to the edge , hoping to get a drink before his next ordeal. When he was within a foot of the water, a solid wall of spikes shot up, nearly taking off his hand. He fell back and nearly sobbed when he realized this was his next ordeal. Dehydration. How long could he last without his power source? Three days was the mortal's limit. What was his?

Four days passed and Percy thought today would be the day he died. He kept getting glimpses of ghosts and people long dead. Bianca, Zoë, Luke. He vaguely heard a door slam and footsteps. Soon Hades was standing over him. "Not so strong now, eh little hero?" He yanked Percy up and dragged him to the water. Percy dimly noticed the spikes hadn't come up. "Drink, little hero, I can't have you dying on me quite yet." Hades chuckled as Percy threw himself to the water.

Percy gasped when he came out of the memory. His breathing quickened and he started sobbing. The experiments, the pain, flashing across his eyelids.

Hades, please don't do what you did to me to him. Please spare him the trauma. Please, please, I'll do anything!


YAY I FINALLY UPDATED!! I AM SO SO SORRY THAT TOOK SO LONG! So tell me what you think and any ideas for future chapters leave in the comments. Thank you all for almost 200 reads, it means a lot. Until next time my lovelies!!

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