Water Vapor

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Okay. Not a lot to say here this time. To the Whovians out there I am now on Series 6. Love Eleven with River. Poor poor Donna though! ;_; Love her to bits. Anyways enjoy!


Percy was strapped to the infamous chair directly in front of what was now Nico's enclosure. His shirt was missing. His eyes were closed and his hands were trembling slightly. There was a strap across his mouth. Hades stood at his feet, smirking, twirling a metal rod between his fingers.

"Soooo, Jackson. What shall my magic 'stick' say this time, hmm?" He sneered at Percy, twirling the rod faster. He chuckled suddenly. "I know!" he stopped twirling the rod as it formed a letter. It glowed orangey yellow. Percy's eyes had opened and now, seeing the heated metal, he began to yank back away from it. Hades started to laugh as brought the brand closer and closer to Percy's skin. He stopped a millimeter before it touched and frowned.

"Well now Percy, I want to hear what you say on the matter! And I'm sure Nico does too." He snapped his fingers and the gag vanished. Percy was able to take one breath before the metal touched home. He clenched his jaw hard, tendons straining in his neck as the 'B' seared into the side of his neck, slightly hissing. Nico flinched back, the smell was horrifying. Hades tutted and twirled the rod again, stopping as it formed an 'R'. He snapped again and the metal became more yellow, obviously hotter. Without preamble, he burned it into Percy's neck again. This time Percy cries out. Nico squeezed his eyes shut as cry after cry ripped itself from Percy's throat. He crouched and covered his ears.

When Hades had finished, he took a step back, as if to admire his work. Seared onto Percy's neck and chest was the word 'B R O K E N'. The letters were angry red. Percy seemed to have passed out from the pain. Hades turned to look at Nico.

"You did this boy. And soon, he will be just as broken as you. I had been going easy on him last time, playing with my food if you will. But not this time. And I will force you to watch. Every. Second. Of. His. Pain. And I will pound it into you that you caused this. That this is your fault. And it will break you more than anything I could do to you. " When his speech was finished he stared at Nico, then turned away and left the room.

Nico stared emptily at the far wall. Hades was right of course. He was the cause of all this. He felt a blip of wetness on his hand and realized he was crying. He clenched his eyes shut and opened them again.

"WHY CANT I BE NORMAL?!" He screamed at a silent room. Turning his back to the bars, he curled in on himself and sobbed, eventually rocking himself to an uneasy rest.


Uh hey guys. Really sorry it's so short but the words just weren't flowing like usual. So sorry about its crappiness. On a happier note, I would like to thank all of you who still read this! You are the only reason I keep writing this. So until next time Lovelies!

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