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Guys. I worry about some of you. Like, right after I update there's a few of you who immediately vote for and read it. Wow. But yeah, This went from 245 reads to 311 in ONE NIGHT! That is amazing. Thanks!


When the door opened to reveal Hades the next day, Percy felt his stomach drop. He glanced over at Nico, who had curled in on himself, trembling slightly. He had refused to speak of what had happened yesterday except for that Hades had 'given him a shot of nightmares'. Percy had cringed, knowing what the teen spoke of.

So when Hades sauntered in, Percy feared what would be in store next for little Nico. He glared at Hades with enough hate and fire to kill a drakon but it just made the god chuckle.

Hades walked briskly to Nico and slung him over his shoulder again. Nico cried out in surprise and whipped his head around. Percy's heart thumped at the speed of shadow-travel as he watched his Neeks be carried off.



Percy's eyebrows scrunched up. Since when is he 'my Neeks'? what? It's not like I LIKE him like that! He's practically my brother! Plus the last time I checked I was preeettty sure I was straight. Right?

Percy was confused. He was in love with Annabeth, not crushing on other GUYS for pete's sake! But as he thought back on his relationship with Annabeth he realized that this was no longer true. All of his conversations with her were awkward or they ended up screaming at each other. They would go for days without speaking.

But then there was Nico. Every time he spoke to the Ghost King he felt happier than he was with Annabeth. He got tinglies and shivers. He had had impulses to hug the teen before. He just hated looking into the younger's eyes and seeing the shattered heart and soul. He hated how he put himself down and isolated himself.

He liked all of Nico's imperfections. All of his corners and rough edges. The flaws and cracks and chips.

Gods, I do like him don't I? What a time and place to find out you're gay huh? Yeesh.


I am so sorry for how sort it is but I needed a filler and some Pernico love and don't hurt me! *hides behind Tom Hiddleston* But yeahs his has over 500 views! Wooo! So tell me wonderful readers, what do you want to happen next regarding Nico and Percy's relationship? I would really love your input! Thank you my lovelies! *blows kiss*

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