\{•~•}The Beginning{•~•}/

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Who's excited for season 2 https://media.tenor.co/images/bb74111c1e86a82f869f5ed981e0b7ee/tenor.gif5

Okay let's continue 🙌

"What are we gonna do" Tom said to Sabine whial they heard the screams and cars crashing the broken glass of all the people who are panicking.

"What are youguys doing and where did you get those guns!?" Marinette stared at her parents both shocked to see them with bags and holding guns on each hand and scared to think of what they may do.

"Don't worry sweety,  we're just gonna go get food for it to last a long time for us, " Sabine said whial Tom was losining the guns and getting more bullets.

"Don't leave me here alone" Marinette's eyes widen as years began to form in her eyes.

"We'll be fine Marinette,  buy if anything happens take care of yourself.  Remember that we're always with you and that  there are extra guns and bullets in the garage. But most important thing you need to know" Tom took a step forward and but a hand on her shoulder.  "Never cry for what you lost,  fight for what's coming and never give up" those words where stuck in here head by the time they left.

And when they left the screams and yells where printed in here memory for a long time.  But the worst part is that,  that was 2 years ago.  2 years since they haven't come back.  2 years since Marinette cried and 2 years...  And the world is bairly alive.

Mari's POV
It's been two years since it all started.  Two years that I've been bunched with the guilt that was stuck in my heart.

I've changed the past years. I've become more of a fighter and I've taken things more seriously. 

It was only me and my best friend Alya. We practically grew up together and known each other since we where babies. Our parent's were highschool friend's which made us even more close.

"We should keep going, the sun's starting to rise" Alya said as she stood up. We where at the top of the eiffel tower. 

My legs where just dangling on the railings. A tear slid down my left cheek but I quickly wiped it away. "Y-ya you're right" I stood up from the railings as Alya was already going down the stairs because the elevator was broken and splashed on the ground with blood covering it as a decoration. I took one last look at the horizon before taking a deep breath and going down stairs to catch up with Alya.

I just couldn't stop thinking of how hard it was for us to survive this crual world.

"Hurry up we gotta get back before the sun rises remember" Alya practically yelled from down the Eiffel tower.  What used to be the resemblance of love now a broken heart wanting warmth.

The Eiffel tower (I'm gonna be honest my spelling is still terrible so I just looked up the word Eiffel tower😅)  was broken and bairly standing. As I reached the bottom I looked at my surroundings and saw the falling pieces scattered all over the floor.

"Alright,  let's go, "

"Well ya look at that,  the sun is up" Alya said dumbfounded and just crossed her arms giving me the 'told you to hurry up' look.

"Don't worry I'll deal with it" I said starting to walk.

"Chloe's gonna get pissed" Alya reminded me.

"I'm surprised she got nicer" I said remembering how she got nicer by worrying about her only friend's.

"I'm surprised she's still alive" Alya smirked.

"The girl can bairly hold a knife" I giggled as we headed to our hideout.


Chloe isn't all that bad guyes. Just for youguys to know I was screaming when I saw season 2 episode 2 I jumped out of my bed and ran all over the house,  I even jumped on the couches and startled my dog .

Isn't he a good made 😉

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Isn't he a good made 😉.

Any-who,  I'm still making Lila the bad girl. In my opinion she's worse then Chloe. Not to be mean to the Lila fans.

Okay peace 🤓

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