google translate's reality

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alright you know how people use google translate to make songs? well i made a whole song's lyrics with the right amount of spaces in google translate. the song is your reality doki doki literature club ending song.  



2.copy and paste the following: 

Every day, --------I imagine a future-- where I can be with you---






In my hand ---is a pen that will write a poem ------of me and you---






The ink----- flows--- down in---to a dark ---pudd----le------

Just move your hand --- ---write the way into his heart!-----------


But in this world -----of infinite ----choices----


What will it take ----just to find that -special day?

What will it take--_---- just to find----- that special day?-













Have I found---- every-body a fun assign--ment to do to--day?----






When you're here,---- every-thing that we do is fun-- for them ---anyway--------





When I can't---- ev--en read my own feel--ings------

What good are words ----when a smile says it all?-----



And if- this world w--on't write me an ----ending----

What will it take---_- just for me to have it all?-----



















Does my pen -----only write bitter words for those who are---- dear to me?--------





Is it love------ if I take you, -or is it love ---if I set you free?---------







The ink -flows dow-n in-to a dark--- pudd--le-----_

How can I write ----love into reality?----



If I can't---- he-ar the sound of your heart--beat----


What do you call--- love- in your reality?-_

And in your reality,-----if I-- don't know how to lovvvve yooooou--------------------_





I'll leave you be .

3. play song for 9 seconds before playing the voice for the translate.

4. enjoy.

5. litsen to the orgnial song to clense your ears. 

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