Untitled Part 12

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guess what guys.

i'm bored,
it's late,
and i don't want to follow my brother's commands to finish watching danganronpa.

so guess what i'll do instead?

any guesses?

at all?


ok then, i'll tell you.

i'm going to educate you.

on diabetes! cuz i'm bored......

and found a YouTube channel with a diabetic person and got inspired.

so, let's start. diabetes is a desses dessess deises    goddammit auto correct work!

there are two types. type one (type A) and type two (type B). i have type 1. my great grandpa has type 2. type two is more commonly known. it's the one you associate diabetes. you topically get  this one when your an adult. but of course there are exceptions. this is the one when your not eating well, or something and you mess up your natural production of insulin. insulin is a thing made in your pancreas. type two is when your pancreas cannot produce enough insulin to sustain,well, you. the amount varies. some have it worse then others. the ones who don't have it that bad have to take a pill and only have a certain amount of sugar per meal. i think it's every meal and one in the morning, but you can never be certain, it varies from each person. the ones who have it worse, need to take  a shot of insulin. yes, i mean from a needle. i personal have only meet one person who was type 2 and took insulin. it was quite interesting actually. i don't know if she had restriction, or if she just took insulin to the amount that she ate, but i know that she didn't have to take as much as, a type one.  

a type one diabetic, is when your pancreas stops producing insulin altogether. this is a genetic disorder. it's a curse through genes and is currently unstoppable,  but it's treatable. type one you have to take insulin from the beginning. (there is probably an exception to that as well). yes this is a thing from birth, but you don't always notice it right away. basically your immune system targets and destroys enzymes that create insulin, thinking it's a foreign object. it takes time for your body to completely kill all the enzymes. sometimes it's fast, only months, and sometimes it's long, like me. it got to me when i was 11. last year. at the beginning of school.  when this happens, it's called a, diabetic crash. see, insulin allows carbohydrates(carbs) to enter the cell, without insulin the carbs are virtually invisible to the cell, the cell starves. the carbs can't go in the cell to be used as energy, so, they just stay in the blood stream. this gives you high blood glucose(sugar). blood sugar is the amount of sugar in your blood. meanwhile, your starving body starts to crave energy, driving you to devour an entire gallon of apple juice even though you hate apple juice.(or is that just me?) that means more carbs come in and you get a higher blood sugar. this is bad. think of sugar. what is a characteristic of sugary things? it's thick. and why shouldn't blood be thick? because it needs to carry things and pass through narrow passage ways. also, your body is converting stored fats into carbs that it also can't get. 

basically your body is trying to give it one thing when it needs the other.

to high of a blood sugar could be death. the point when it is death varies. how could you know your having a diabetic crash? well,with diabetes, everything varies, and some people can't even feel high blood glucose at all, but i'm sure it's more likely that you would notice it. the symptoms also very. for me it was, i was so thirsty all the time. so thirsty, so i keep drinking water, but water eventually started to taste so bad that i couldn't stand it. so i drank juice. as much juice as i could. and i was so tired. i thought, how could i be so tired? is it because of a new year? i should stop staying up so late? it will pass then right? i was so tired, walking was tiring and even eating! i got so tired with being tired, i told the principle i wasn't feeling well and wanted to go home.  one of the staff who's daughter was diabetic became suspicious and blah blah blah, we went to the hospital after i had the last bit of good food i would have for five day. let me tell you, pirates of the Caribbean will not help you be happy in the hospital. no matter how much you like it. there in my doom of captain sparrow, diabetes was explained to me.

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