absolute trash

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well i noticed i haven't updated this in a while... that's a lie i have 3 drafts i'm using to keep notes on plot for different stories. i promise i'll update soon! totally not planing on starting another story.... so  yeah, just wanted to give you this update so now some random trash for you.

 so  yeah, just wanted to give you this update so now some random trash for you

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just going to say thank you. and now memes, not mine, only the sebu one is mine, and the artist one. 


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and the rest of the images won't load so not going to sit around and wait for them

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and the rest of the images won't load so not going to sit around and wait for them. a new story is calling! and i have a good feeling about this one! (keep telling yourself that)

my random trash bin.Where stories live. Discover now