Fell wuck...

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Welcome to the reason i made this book.

Yes hims/hers/thems/its the entire reason i woke up one day and thought of making a completely and utterly random book of pure shit was if I got tagged. And i did. 10 hours ago.
So first question wait i forgot and need to check it again!

Ah yes! Here it is.

1. What is your race?
I am mix of a lot things and have no traditions at all. But i think I'm mostly English. Haha i need to learn this.

2. What is your grade?
I'm about to end 7th grade. Wow I'm so young!

3. What is your age?
I turned 13 this year. Still a young one.

4. Have you been to a nursery?
No i don't think so. I Went to a daycare, i don't think that counts.

5.what's your social life like?
I hang out with anyone who wants to hang out with me. I had a small (not really) group that I would mainly hang out with but some stuff happened between them and another person in the group so me and her kinda stopped hanging out with them and turn to our more trusted friends. Although personally I don't really want friends. But i guess it's fun to meme around.

6. What's your addiction?
Ooo! Well i guess, hmm, I'm addicted to hmm i don't think I really have one. Because addiction is having something you keep doing right? I am able to control my actions pretty well. But if i had to say something, it would be... Negative thinking? I do that all the time, and i don't bother to stop because i think it helps me better understand myself in a sense of what i hate about myself truly and how i can improve and hide those things to help me and others better like myself! It's also convenient by which i can make myself more suitable for those around me!

7. Favorite subject?
Well for me I'd say art? I honestly like them all. And I know art is an elective in most schools but in mine, it's a required class. I was honestly sad most of it was taking notes but it was fun when we did stuff, and my teacher was great!

8. Introvert or extrovert?
Well I hate talking to people, and i hate being with people, but i am highly sociable and could act like best friends to someone i just met! I am able to adjust my personality to fit the person I'm talking to, if your awkward then i can be a little awkward to get you to warm up to me! It's quite weird, i don't want friends yet i constantly go out of my way to make them. So both?

9.what have you hugged this month?
I haven't hugged much. this month has barely started but last month i hugged my grandma she wad crying, my friends cuz I always do, my cats obviously, my other cats (chickens) i mean how else do punish them for coming in my room with the door shut?, my dad who visited me, and wow my mom who also visited me due to our birthdays which were the month before.

10.how jealous do you get?
Ah, that is, that is a question, that is hard to answer. Um, well it's more of a curious thing then jealousy, but then again I edit my emotions a lot so i don't know the original very well but judging from my childhood age, probably the most jealous person ever. Sorry I can't help wanting to experience everything from every prospective! You know like pain, happiness, despair, hope, death, gf, bf, heartbreak, everything! From every perspective!

11.what type of photos do you take on your phone?
Well i mainly take screenshots of fanart i like, but i also take pictures of random things I think will make my friends laugh or at least react to. Tho i am trying to take pictures of my pets so i can view them in the future, when the real ones are gone.

And that is all. Now you know more about my weird self! Yay! Now to pull in four unsuspecting victims.

bubbletwist1  (suffer)

Sorrryy! Not sorry!

But sorry for that unintended(sure) pun.

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