The true reason to this book

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Fell wuck.


I've been shot, i mean tagged.

I've been shot, i mean tagged

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1. Sexuality: i am asexual and aromatic, but idk if i did date I'd be pansexual prob,

2. Gender: I'm fmel.

3.happy: honestly no, but eh life could be worse.

4. Last song: well actually it was this

Its the English version because i keep switching back and forth between them and i happened to listen to this one last. Although it's almost over....

5. Hair color: well sad story, my hair, i think I'm a brunette now? Idk it used to be so blonde but over time it gets darker, and actually I've dyed the tips Auburn but you just can't see it because why would hair dye work in my hair???

6. Zodiac: Taurus although I'm very close to being an Aries

7. Last person you kissed: umm, does my cat count? I haven't  kissed anyone really.

8. Fav color: a grey that is tinted purple.

9.fav food: nice joke i hate food, but i guess corn.

10. Battery percent: well actually 100%

11. Celebrity crush: i... Don't know celebrities...

12. Fav vegetable: corn

13. Eye color: blue

14. Shoe size: 8 i think depend on what store

15. Dream job: don't have one but I'm currently working towards being an actress, artist and writer, doubt I'll make it but i have no better options.

And now 20 people to tag yay...
ChocoholicGrace 1
Briarxrose 2
Aphmau_Nerd 3
__Teony_08__ 5
-GoDziLlA- 6
KatTheCat123 7
__Teony_08__ 8
---FUCK--- 9
bubbletwist1 10 hahaha despair peasant!
OwainMorrisKent 11 you too!
BlossomDragon 12
KotaOwamina1 13
Mystic_Melodica 14
AdieuGoodbye 15
eggheadJade 16
AquaLovesScreeching 17
DatOneWhoAnnoysAll 18
Galaxyenderwolf 19
Crystal-Fridge 20
Damn. Fuck it's over.

Sorry to the people I tagged but it was a random picking, except for two creatures i wanted to torture.

K bey

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