Fatty 13 year old

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Usually the shouting of my mum wakes me up, but today it's the sun that wakes me up. Ugh I hate it when you wake up and you open your eyes then the sun burns your eyes. I'm not the only one. "George, your up early." My mum says as I go downstairs. I can already smell the pancakes, bacon, and coffee... Yum. "Yeah well the sun woke me up." I say as I take a seat, and my mum nods. I finish eating and went back upstairs to take a shower. After I finish showering I hear my mum shout. "George! Leslie's here!" Oh shit. She'll understand, I'm a slow chubby kid... That's what everyone in school says. I wear my favorite shirt, jeans, converse, I'm good to go. I run downstairs to Leslie and greet her then gave her a hug. "Mum we're going for school!" I shout. Leslie hands me my bag and I thank her then took it. We walk to school cause 1. People will make fun of me and 2. I like walking more and being alone with my best friend. We reach school and sit on out usual spot. "So George... Are you doing ok? From you know yesterday..." I nod, which was a lie I feel like shit. I don't actually curse out loud I only curse inside my mind cause for a 13 year old... My mum would blow. "That's good... Hey wanna come by my house later?" She changes the topic. "Sure" I give a cheeky smile. I'm so happy the bullies aren't here yet. I spoke to soon. "Hey Shelley!" I don't turn around to see who it is because I already know. "George don't mind them, don't listen to them." Leslie pulls my shirt as I walk away from the bullies. I just nod. How could this day get any worse.

When I said how could this day get any worse... Well... "You're what?" I say almost crying. I could see Leslie crying, her tears going down to her bed. "M-my family is m-moving to London..." She stutters and cries on my shoulder. I hug her and cry with her. My best friend is moving away. What will I do? What will happened to me? George it's ok at least she'll be safe. Or that's what it looks like... But what if she gets bullied. Well that's nonsense, she's beautiful, caring and the bestest (yes I said bestest.) friend anyone could ever have. I mean it. I pull her back and wipe her tears away. "It's going to be okay..." I say in between cries. "No it's not, you know it. You'll get bullied even more. I don't know what'll happen to me..." She cries again. I can't help but cry even more.

That afternoon I walk home alone. Dried tears still on my cheeks, red eyes from crying. I'm gonna be in a shitty state when Les leaves. I reached my house and when I open the door my mum saw my face. "George are you okay? What happened?" I didn't say anything. I just went upstairs to my room. Instead of crying continuously like a girl I just watch TV. I felt my phone buzz. Leslie texted me. What else does she have to say?

George I'm sorry, I'll leave in a week.


In a week. A week. Well I have to make the most out of a week.

-----------After A Week------------

I can't do this, I can't. "Leslie we leave in 20 minutes!" Leslie's mum shouted from downstairs. I let out a sigh. 20 minutes. "Leslie I wanted to give you something." I let out a small box and gave it to her. Her eyes widened as she opens it. It was a necklace. The locket kind of necklace inside it is a picture of us. When we were at the playground once, sitting on the swings. I remember everything that had happen at that time. We both got in trouble for playing a prank on a bully. Both of us chuckle remembering the same thing. I put it around her neck and she kisses me on my cheek. I do something unexpected and made my lips crash to hers. She kisses me back, her lips were soft. Just how I expected them to be. I broke our kiss and breathed heavily, she did too. How is she gonna leave now? With our mixed emotions and everything. "So what now?" She asks me. I shrug. "I think it's better if we stay best friends, I mean it's gonna be hard for the both of us." I suggest. She nodded. We stay silent. "5 minutes!" Leslie's mum made us both jump. We both giggle then head downstairs. "So I guess this is-" She tried to say goodbye but I stopped her. "No it's not bye, I promise we'll see each other again. I promise." She remained silent and nodded, seeing her smile a bit. It was time for them to get in the van. She let her sister in first. I guess it was my cue to leave. I started walking then someone tapped me from behind. "I love you Shelley." Leslie says then kisses my cheek. I watch her go in the van then I wave at them. I walked home feeling so happy. Leslie loves me. When I got home my mom asked me.

"George are you okay?" That question broke my happiness. I just remembered Leslie left for London and is NEVER gonna come back.For a fatty 13 year old... I'm starting to hate my life. "George?" My mum's hand waves in front of my face. I snapped back to reality and nodded. "Yeah I'm good." I lied. I went up the stairs and slept. I hate this life.

----------After a month-----------

I thought after weeks that it wouldn't bother me that Les left, then I remembered that I was going to school. "Hey Shelley!" Not now Matt. "Why Shelley? Your little slut not here with you?" Matt's friend, Harris said. I wish I could outrun them. "Don't call her that." I mumbled. "Sorry I can't hear what you said under your fatness." Matt and Harris laughs. What did I do next? I threw a punch at Matt. "You think your brave now Shelley?" He mocks and Harris throws a punch. I wake up to find myself in the clinic. "You're awake." The nurse says in relief. "How long have I been here?" I ask, dumbfounded. "Only for a couple of hours. The principal said that you Matt and Harris are suspended for a week. So go home early." She smiles at me. I just nodded, got my bag, and walk home. I walked home the same path I did as usual. It's really quiet when I walk home now, no one there to talk too anymore. When I went in my house I already saw my mum putting the phone down. "The school called..." mum said in a low voice. "Again! Why do you want to this George? Do you think it'll make you feel better? Because it doesn't. Leslie is not, EVER going back, and you have to accept that!" Mum started crying. I felt some tears run down. I didn't know what to do, so I just went upstairs and locked myself in my room. I started crying, my reality sucks and that's how life goes. Not the way you want it. If you're life seems perfect, it won't stay that way, somehow reality manages to destroy your perfect-going life. If your life isn't perfect at all, it'll just get worse. I look at other peoples lives and think, why do I deserve all of this? What did I do to deserve this? Out of anger, I kicked the door and screamed. Mum starts going upstairs and knocks on my door and shouts my name. I heard Harriet do the same. Not all my siblings are here, just Harriet. I can't die, so I just slept. Maybe when I wake up everything will change. All the misery, the pain, gone.

Hey sorry for the late update! I've been busy, and I'm really sorry about that!

So what do you think of George's life?

Pain huh? Yeah I'm sorry for making it like that. Don't worry next chapter would be brighter.

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