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  A woman, hair red and long, rain through the streets, holding her three year old child. She stopped at a bench by the park and sat her child down. Her child had red hair like the woman, and the child had ruby eyes. She looked up at the woman. "Mommy?" The woman smiled. "Stay here, Mars. I'll come back for you." 

She said that knowing she wouldn't ever look back. Not ever.

The child sat there, waiting for her mother for a few days. It started raining. She got under the bench so she could be dry, but that didn't too well since there were holes. She was wet, cold and hungry. She was dying. She had not had anything to drink or eat, but she was determined to wait for her mother.

The stomach pains became more and more intense and the child cried out for her mother. No response. Most of the people walked by, ignoring the poor child in need. No one even batted an eye. They were too busy hurrying to work or to their families.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, one family rushing themselves, their children noticed Mars and told their parents. The mother ran to Mars, wrapping her in her jacket, and ran her to the doctor. This family was the child's forever family.

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