Chapter 6

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   As Jupiter and Mars tried finding other jobs, Courtney got more and more distant from them. Jupiter had even voiced her concern to Courtney, but she insisted everything was okay.

   Both Jupiter and Mars knew she wasn't okay. There was something going on that none of us knew. We even asked Lishki, who had also grown a bit distant.
"It's not something me nor her want to talk about," Was the only answer he'd give. 

   Mars finally gave up and started looking elsewhere for answers. Jupiter and Mars were out at Mars' house, trying to think of reasons. Mars gave Jupiter a look of confusion. "What could it be?" Jupiter shrugged. "I don't know...." 

   Mars sighed, looking at her laptop on the other side of the room. She stood up and went over to it. She opened the top and sat down, going through her pictures from high school and college. She had a realization. "Doesn't Tabitha work with Courtney?" Mars said, looking at Jupiter. Jupiter nodded.
"Yeah. Courtney said that they're friends now and that they often have conversations of interest to her and that they often play pranks of their workmates."

   Mars smiled. "Then let's go ask Tabitha. Maybe he'll have a clue."


   Mars had called Tabitha and told him that she wanted to talk to him. Mars had her way of getting people's numbers. She mainly just looked through a phone book that Courtney had given to her. Mars waited for him at a small coffee shop. He eventually came. "Hello Mars. " He greeted. Mars just gave him a welcoming smile. 

   As they waited for their coffee to arrive, Mars was having a pleasant conversation with Tabitha. Then Mars knew she had to bring up Courtney, so she did. "So, how has Courtney been?" Tabitha shrugged. "Okay I guess. She's been missing days on and off. But she has seemed a little... off. She's showing less and less emotion everyday. And she used to talk about her and Lishki, but she's been talking pretty... well, she seems like she doesn't like him. At all." 

   Mars seemed a bit taken away by that. She started wondering if Lishki had done something. "Well, she's not even talking to her own sister recently." Tabitha gave Mars a slightly worried look. Why would he be worried about her? Tabitha sighed. "I wish I could help, but I don't really have much else I can do."
"It's fine..." I'll figure out what's going on with this information...

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