Chapter 4

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   "My job isn't letting me get paid enough." Jupiter said, looking at her coffee sadly. Mars nodded with agreement.

   "Mhm. My dad isn't paying me enough either. I'm sure we can get jobs else where." She said, trying to help out the situation.

   "I'd love to see that happen sometime soon." Jupiter retorted sharply. 

   Mars looked at her girlfriend, upset. "Well, only time'll tell. Come on. Let's not worry ourselves to death, huh?" 

   "I know I know. It's just that everything is being extremely stressful. And you know me. I don't see much past stress." Jupiter said, sighing.

    "Yeah... I know..." Mars said, staring at her coffee. Her father's work was just.... unsafe. He had made deals with two extremely dangerous men. Radek Harmonia and Zaki Heiwa. They did many experiments with Shadow Pokemon. Many knew them by name. Mars' father, however, experimented with Nuclear Pokemon, which were similar in a way. They threatened her Father to do more research for him. Mars didn't know the consequences, but she knew that it made work hard and stressful. 

   Jupiter must've noticed that Mars was stressed because she gave her a worried look. "Marsie, are you okay?" 

   Mars snapped out of her thoughts. "O-oh. Yes, I'm fine. Why?"

"You look stressed."

"I'm not. Don't worry."

"Alright, whatever you say."

   Jupiter's phone started ringing. "Hold up, I have to take this call." She walked away, seeming to be talking to her boss. Mars sighed. Are we ever going to make it to Sinnoh...?

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