Chapter 5

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   Mars and Jupiter were walking around, looking around for jobs at small businesses. There wasn't anything and Mars was losing hope. They walked for a little while more until they saw a familiar face at a coffee shop. It was a tall thin man whose hair was snow white and curly. It was semi long. He was always wearing black gloves, a thin black scarf, and a silk, pure white long-sleeved shirt. His eyes were always tired-looking. It was Courtney's boyfriend, Lishki. 

   Mars jumped and looked at Jupiter. "Jups, it's Lishki." 

Jupiter nodded. "Yeah it is."

Mars excitedly walked over to him. When she got near, he looked up, his eyes tired as always. "Well, hello Mars." He greeted.
"Hello Lishki." She responded happily. "What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for Courtney actually. Have you seen her by chance?"
"No. But I'm guessing you guys are having a date or something?"
"Well, kind of. We're going to chill at her place."

   Mars gave him a mischievous smile. "Well, don't do anything too much."

   Lishki's face went extremely red. "M-Mars, we're not doing anything like that."
"Hey it could be worse. One time Jupiter was asking if I wanted to hangout and she said "Do you want to fuck?". It was a great day."

   Someone slapped Mars in the back of the head. "Ow!" She put a hand where she was slapped. Mars looked behind her and Jupiter was standing there with a somewhat annoyed look. 
"Will you be quiet about that?"
"No. It will never be let go."
"Mars, I will-"

   "Stop fighting. We all know it was a mistake." A monotone voice said behind them. They looked back, knowing it was Courtney. Courtney shook her head and walked over to Lishki, who stood up and wrapped his arm around her waist, pecking her lips softly. Jupiter just sighed.
"Well, you kids have fun. Mars and I are going to keep looking." 

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