Chapter 1

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     "Mars, we'll be lonely without you!" Jupiter complained, trying not to make Mars spit out her coffee. Mars looked at her girlfriend, sighing unhappily. "But think about it. Sinnoh is suuuuuper pretty and the strongest trainers live there!" Jupiter folded her arms grumpily. "Mars, I want to stay with you, but I can't go to Sinnoh. Your family might have the money, but mine doesn't." Mars rolled her eyes. "Says the one who wears all the in fashion clothes." Jupiter glared at her. "You're asking for a breakup." Mars's stomach did a flip. "No no no. I'll shut up." Jupiter smiled. "Thank you."

Mars sighed. "I know... I'm going to miss you guys as well, but I'm going to stay here for a while. My dad needs help with work. I heard it's reallllly stressful for him right now, so I'm going to work for him." Jupiter jumped happily. "Yes! Thank the lord you're staying!"
"For a while, not forever."
"I know, but maybe I can rack up enough money to move to Sinnoh with you!"

"What are you guys talking about?" A monotone voice suddenly said behind them. Jupiter jumped and Mars looked back. "Hi Courtney." Mars said with a smile. "Don't scare us like that, Court!" Jupiter retorted, obviously annoyed. Courtney and Jupiter were always neck and neck. Mars guessed it was because Jupiter thought she would take Mars from her. She shrugged. "I don't mind having a scare once in a while." Mars said nonchalantly. Jupiter gave Mars a concerned look. Mars looked at her and tippie toed so she could kiss her girlfriend for reassurance. Jupiter almost instantly calmed down. Courtney grinned a tiny bit. "You guys are adorable." Mars looked at Courtney. "Says the straight one." Courtney had a straight face and said, "I'm not homophobic, but I'm not homosexual myself."

Mars smiled. "Well, I'd consider myself bisexual." Jupiter nodded. "Didn't you date that one guy... What was his last name?"
"Lencen I think."

Courtney looked at the two. "What are you guys doing for school?" They looked at each other and shrugged. "Are you going to that nerd school, Courtney?" She nodded. "Yup. I heard that Tabitha kid wants to go as well." Mars tipped her head to the side. "How well do you even know him?" Courtney shook her head. "Not very well. It's just comforting to know that someone else from the school is going to the same school I want to go to." Jupiter smirked. "Tabitha of all people? I didn't think he was a nerd." Courtney puffed out her chest. "Look, it's not a "nerd" school. It's a very hard school to get into."

"Nerd school." Jupiter laughed. "Oh fuck off, Jupiter." Courtney said, a bit angrily. Mars laughed at the two arguing. They were so different, but so alike at the same time.

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