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"This club is too loud for me!" I yelled through the loud music.

I hated clubs. There were too many people, all sweaty and all they want to do is dance and drink. I get it, that's what clubs are for, but don't try to force someone to dance with you. I mean, I'm speaking from past experience.

"All clubs are too loud for you Rae!" My best friend Kiana yelled back at me.

Even though I love her, the girl always drags me into places with her. Even if I don't want to go, she makes me go with her.

"Come on, have this," she handed me a red cup and I raised my brows in concern and she pursed her lips at me, "Tsk. It won't kill you," and she forced in in my hand making me nearly drop it.

I looked at her worried, "I mean, you never know-"

"Rae!" She said annoyance.

"Okay, okay!" I said and then chugged the drink in the cup down.

"Yes, girl, finally!" She cheered on.

I wasn't really much of a drinker, mainly because someone could've spiked them and I would be out of it.

I'd rather not be raped and murdered and then get my body hidden the bushes where no one would ever find me and then everyone forgets about me and my existence.

I rolled my eyes at her, "I can't handle it in here, Kiana, I need some air."

"Air? There's air in here."

"Fresh air, you idiot," I started to walk away but she grabbed my hand.

"But you haven't even done much, come on, let's dance," she started to drag me on the dance floor but I stopped her.

"No, Kiana, stop. I'm really not in the mood," and I left. Thank God she wasn't following me. I actually needed some fresh air. The humidity in their made me feel like I was going to pass out.

As I walked down the street, I could hear footsteps behind me but I chose to ignore it. I continued walking and I still heard them, instead they were closer this time.

I turned my head and saw a guy. He had ruffled dark hair, he was dressed in a t-shirt and black jeans and he was smoking a cigarette.

I swallowed nervously and started walking faster, "You know, you shouldn't be walking alone on a Saturday night," I heard and I stopped in my tracks.

For a moment I realised that this was just like the books, where when I turn around I will see some bad boy smoking a cigarette.

I turned to face him, I could smell the cigarette, I wanted to cough but I held it in. I hated the smell of cigarettes.

I knew it.

"Are you mute or something?" He looked at me from head to toe.

"I-.." I tried to speak but didn't know what to say.

"Are you here with anyone?"

Why was he asking me that? Oh my God, what if he rapes me? Oh lord, protect me. I don't want to die.

"Y-yeah, I am," I stuttered nervously.

"What's your name?" He raised his chin, blowing out smoke.

I raised my brows "What's your name?" I repeated. I didn't want to tell him my name, what if he tries to kill me?

He chuckled and then he turned around to leave while shaking his head, "Hey! I didn't get your name!" I shouted out but he continued to walk away without looking back.

Damn, he was mysterious.



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Elijah || Bad Boy Series #1Where stories live. Discover now