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As I stepped in front of him for our slow dance I could see the smirk in his face as usual.

I placed one of my hands on his shoulder and one in his hand which was stretched out slightly.

"You look stunning by the way," he said and I raised my brows.

"Hello to you too," I replied.

We were slow dancing right now and I really didn't want to look at him in the eyes, it was just awkward. So I leaned myself forward and rested my head near his shoulder.

"Wow, what made you do that?" I heard him.

"Just shut up and enjoy this moment while it lasts."

"You're right, you're never going to come this close to me ever again."

"That's exactly right."

I decided to lean back and then I looked at him in the eyes. He glanced at my lips and my heart fluttered. What is wrong with me? Why am I so nervous around him?

"I don't know if you know this but apparently they're sending us to a honeymoon," he stated.

"Yes, I'm aware. I even got a leave from work and I didn't even know."

"Hmm. So, who's that guy who keeps looking at you?" he frowned, looking over at someone behind me.

I turned my head to see who it was and to my surprise, it was my brother, "That's my brother Luka."

"You have a brother? Since when?"

"Since always," I replied.

He started to lower his hands and I stopped him by putting my hand over his, "Stop. This is a wedding, not your room."

He tilted his head, "Don't talk to me like that."

"I talk to you however I want."

"You know, I think I left my tape in my car."

"Oh no, we don't want your parents hearing that now do we?"

"At least my parents came to my wedding," as soon as he said that, I felt disgusted with him.

"How dare you?"

Thank God the song was over because as soon as the song stopped, I let go of him and turned around to go to my brother.

"Luka!" I excitedly yelled over the music and hugged him.

"Raelyn! How's my sister going?"

"How do you think?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's okay, everything happens for a reason," he said and I agreed.

"Where's Shana?" I looked around.

"Right here!" I felt hands on my shoulder and turned around to see her.

"Shana!" I gave her a big hug.

"Oh my God you look stunning!" she eyed me from head to toe.

"Me? Look at you! When are you due?" I smiled.

"March 5th."

"Oh wow, that's about two more months. Not long to go."

"Yeah, I know. Enough about me though, how's the wedding going? How's the boy?" she wiggled her brows.

"Don't even ask me about him. He's just a jerk."

"You make a cute couple though, so don't worry, everything will be fine."

I raised my brows, "Me? With him? No, never going to happen."

"You two are married now, youre already together."

"Don't remind me. I even have to go on a honeymoon with him, I don't even know how I'm going to survive."

"Oh stop worrying, how many times do I have to tell you. He seems like a nice person, I don't think he'll give you that much of a hard time."

"He's already giving me a hard time."

"Why? What happened?"

"Don't worry about it, this is my wedding. I need to have some fun."


Everyone said their speeches, we had the cake cutting and food and now it was time for me to throw the bouquet.

"Can we get all the single ladies out on the floor!" the announcer said.

Everyone came out on the dance floor and I prepared myself to throw it.

"Girl, you better throw it at me!" I heard and I laughed.

"3, 2, 1!"

And I raised my hand and threw it back. I turned around to see who would catch it.

All the girls started cheering and I tried to see who caught it.

I finally could see when she started to walk to me, "Kiana!" I smiled as she gave me a big hug.

"I knew you would throw it at me!" she said as we both laughed. Everyone was taking pictures as we both hugged and laughed.

"Time for the garter toss!" I heard.

My heart dropped but I made sure to keep my smile on my face.

A song started playing (you guys can choose what song) and someone brought a chair out in the middle of the dance floor.

I nervously sat down on the chair as I heard cheers and whistles.

As he walked up to me the other boys were saying things to him and he said things back with a laugh but I wasn't listening because I was getting nervous. Either he's going to put his head in there but I really hope it's his hand.

He smirked at me and bent down so he was on one knee when he reached me.

"Get in!" I heard from his friends as they all laughed and he laughed along with them.

He started to lift my dress up and my heart was racing. I was trying to stay still so I didn't look weird.

He kept giving me these looks, it was like he was teasing me.

His fingers brushed my ankle and I really tried to stay still. He slowly moved his fingers up, making sure to touch every part of my leg. He was looking at me while doing this and I really tried to not look at him.

As he reached my thigh, even though he felt the garter he continued to go up and that made me jump. It just looked inappropriate and that made everyone cheer and laugh.

I could tell he was having fun teasing me because of that stupid smirk of his.

He proceeded to slowly take the garter off, again making sure touch every part of my leg.

When he finally took it off the crowd cheered and clapped. Thank God that was over.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

He looked back at me to give me that devious smirk and I started to blush. What the hell is wrong with me?

I just hope that the rest of the wedding turns out normal.

Wedding tings.




Elijah || Bad Boy Series #1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें