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Classie Pov 

I constantly kept waking up at night to run to the bathroom and throw up. Keith kept waking up too just to check up on me and make sure i was alright, i'd shake my head yes. It was around 11 am and I didnt feel good at all, my head hurts im burning up and i feel completely disgusting. Keith had to film today so he would be leaving any time now, Angelina and bryshere are out somewhere and Randy is at Levi's house so I'm all by myself today.  POV over 

Keith-(Grabbing keys) Hey babe im about to go

Classie-Ok baby i love you

Keith- I love you to call me if you need anything


(Keith leaves, Classie gets up and starts to get dressed, until there was a knock on the door, classie opens it) 

Angelina-(walks in) Hey boo

Classie-I thought u was with bryshere.

Angelina-I was he just dropped me off he has a photoshoot to go to so I told him to drop me back off here.

Classie-(looks down) oh ok

Angelina-Whats wrong girl you look sick

Classie-I am sick terribly sick

Angelina-You wanna go to the hospital?

Classie-Yea thats what i was about to go do.


Classie-Yes im about to call a uber to come get me

Angelina-Ok well im about to ask you the question i was gonna ask last night before i was interuppted by ya boyfriend

Classie-Ok whats up?

Angelina-Have you had your period

Classie-Ehhhh no

Angelina-Bitch you pregnant

Classie-(laughs) No im not 

Angelina-Ight lets go to the hospital and if the doctor says you pregito i want a large pizza

Classie-(Opens door) Im not... come on the uber is here 

(They go outside and get in the uber) 

Angelina-Im nervous for you


Angelina-Because you might be pregnant ooooo or what if you have cancer or the flu omg bitch you gonna die

(Angelina starts crying) 

Classie-Girl calm down i think i might just have food poisioning. 

(The uber stops, Classie pays him and they walk into the hospital) 

Receptionist- Hi welcome to Lakeview hospital how may i help you?

Classie-Hi my name is classie and im just here to get checked up.

Receptionist-Do you have a appointment?


Receptionist-Do you live here? 

Classie-No just on vaction

Receptionist-Ok may i have you last name?

Classie-Robison (Not my real last name) 

Receptionist-Date of birth?

Classie-August 26, 1997 (Not my actual birthday or year)

Receptionist-Ok your in... Doctor Marshall will be right out to come get you

Only You 🔐 (Keith Powers)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora