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Classie POV 

I was over his shoulders, he held me with such a tight grip and I felt like he was squeezing the air out of me. When we reached the bathroom he dropped me on the floor and I hit my head. He obviously didn't care because he laughed when I cried from the pain. He reached over me and turned the shower on, he motioned me to get up but I didn't want to, I just wanted to lay on the cold floor. He got angry at my actions and yanked me by my wrist and insisted that I get in the shower. POV OVER 

Keith-Get up


Keith-Get tf up right now! 


(Keith looked around and ran out the bathroom)

Classie POV
I didn't know why he left, but my first instinct told me to run so I got up and headed for the door, but I turned around when I seen a pocket knife on the floor beside the sink. I quickly grabbed it because I heard footsteps approaching, I walked towards the door but Keith stormed in with a gun.
POV over

Keith-Where you think you going?


Keith-(points gun at shower) In now before I blow your brains out.

Classie-(backs up into shower)

Keith-Whats behind your back?



(Keith grabs her arm and he throws her across the room)

Classie-Get away from me!

(Keith points gun at her)

Keith- Get up and give it to me.

Classie-(starts crying)

Keith-Dont start that crying shit, get up!

(Classie gets up and hugs keith, keith is surprised but he hugs her back. Classie has a evil smile that he can't see, she stops hugging him and looks him in his eyes.)


Keith-Ik you'd come back baby.

Classie-Does this bring back memories?

Keith-(confused) Does what bring back memories?

(Classie shoves the knife into keith stomach and twists it around)

Classie-You thought I forgave you?!

(Keith starts to fall with blood coming out his mouth... He looks around in pain trying to figure out what just happened)

Classie POV
I continued to stab him until my pain and heartache went away, I never had so much anger in me towards someone and I honestly feel terrible. I watched keith fall to the cold floor and bleed until he stopped breathing, I started to break down because I never wanted to kill anyone and I loved him once,he was gonna be my childs father. I wiped my tears and started to search his pockets to the keys that go to his jeep, took a while but I found them. I grab the gun just in case for safety reasons, I ran out as fast as I could and went to go search for Jay. I ran all around the place but I could find him, until I heard someone shouting.
POV Over


(Bryshere comes out of a room)

Bryshere-Well hello there.

Classie-Wheres Jay?

Bryshere- Wheres Keith?


Bryshere-(Face drops) Dead?

Classie-(hold up knife) Yea see....that's his blood on this knife.

Bryshere-No...not true I'd kill you little bitch.

Classie-Go see for your self.

(Bryshere pulls out a gun, Classie closed her eyes and three gun shots were fired.... A body dropped to the ground.)

???- Dumb nigga....... Hey...... Open your eyes Classie.

(Classie opened her eyes and touched her body to see if she was shot. She turned around to see who it was and it was Jay.)


Jay-Hey 😁

Classie-(hugs him) You're safe

Jay-(groans) Hey I'm in pain. But I'm happy you're safe.

Classie-Cmon we have to go....hurry


Classie-I have Keith's keys to his jeep let's go.

(They run outside and find keiths jeep. They hop in and drive to jays house.)

Jay-Classie we have to go...

Classie-Go where?

Jay-Anywhere but here.


Jay-Yes we need to move somewhere together.


Jay-(smiles) you'll see we're gonna go to my house pack up then go to your house and pack up and go on our way.

Classie- Soooo are we like the new bonnie and Clyde?

Jay-Hell nooo

To be continued...

Sorry this chapter was short I have been busy with work and school. Text me if you guys have any ideas for the next chapter and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Ik I'm late 😂

Only You 🔐 (Keith Powers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora