battle thing

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A/n: Hi, um ok sooooooo, little background on me, i'm a swimmer and a lot of the time I will write fanfic to motivate me to swim faster, well during practice this week I came up with this one and uuhh, I'm not going to lie its strange. 

The battle field is a mess, blood, so much of it, people rushing everywhere, but we're winning, I think. I've never actually seen a battle field, or lived through a war, sure I've read about them, learned about many of them in social studies classes. But those were always 'dummied down' weather it's just been dummied down in consideration for my age, or if it's the fact that none of these teachers had gone to war. 

"Ay! BS, you in there?" Mor asks from next to me. Ah, BS the nickname I got for my tendency to not handle bull****. 

"What? Oh yeah I'm here, just... distracted" I reply, looking up at her. Dang me for being so short, I swear everyones taller than me. 

"That's understandable, I mean you're so young" 

I respond with a small snarl, Mor chuckles. a noise above me draws my attention away from Mor, a voice I recognize, crying out in agony. I watch helpless as a dark streak falls from the sky, and into a dark pond. Shoot. another figure falls, slower, and lands smoothly on the bank of the lake, Cassian. Mor and I rush to follow. I watch Cassian try to begin to wade his way to the figure, Rhysand, the figure is Rhysand. S***. Cassian's going to be too slow, Rhysand is unconscious, and face first  in the water, he's going to drown. I've started moving before I fully registered the decision. Taking the goggles I left in my sweatshirt pocket after last practice and putting them on, yes its unorganized, but I cant think about that right now, and striping to my underclothes for less resistance I dive into the water.  I kick faster than I ever have before, pulling frantically. In a meet i'd probably get DQ'ed but right now that doesn't matter, all that matters is saving Rhysand. He can't have been more then 100 meters away, but this feels like an eternity. 

I arrive and quickly flip him onto his stomach. I remove his blood-and-water-soaked-jacket and use it to tie his arm to my left foot, so I can drag mis easier. I begin to swim freestyle back to shore, but the jacket keeps getting tangled on my feet. Finally I decide to butterfly the last 75 yards or so. This proves a struggle as i'm already exhausted from the school day, and dragging Rhysand is slowing down my progress, but I keep going. 

I finally  reach land, my abs, or should I say flabs, are burning. Feyre screams and I think I hear Cassian try to restrain her as Azriel helps me drag him onto land. Mor instantly places a hand on his chest, and we watch as he coughs up water, but he's alive.

(word count:508) 

Haha told you that was a weird one... well know you know why I can never keep count during a set, I'm too busy writing trash fanfic. Yeah and I was suposed to be finishing reading that chapter for LA instead I typed this

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