Otayuri ~ cross dressing part 3

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I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IF YOU WOULD TELL ME WHAT KIND OF SPECIAL PART YOU WANT! Hello! How are you? I'm feeling super good because this book has 11k reads!! That's insane!! Tell me what kind of special part you guys want. I'm in train and my phone is dying but I will still start writing this XD I didn't put any rough kink into this part because I thought they didn't fit into this story.


Yuri's pov

Today was mine and Otabek's big day, we were getting married! He proposed me 4 months ago in our trip to Spain. Oh how happy I was back then, and I still am. I'm still a little bit worried, what if I don't remember what to say? Let's not think about it, it will go perfectly.

Right now I'm on my dressing room. Victor and Yuuri are here with me, helping me to get dressed. This may sound stupid but I wanted to wear dress. Luckily everyone was fine with that. I had picked really beautiful white dress (pic). I'm sure that Otabek will love it. My blonde hair had grown really long and it was messily braided. Everything was perfect.

"Yurio? You excited?" Victor smiled his heart shaped smile at me. "Yeah, but I'm pretty nervous" I answered him. And did I forgot to tell that Victor and Yuuri had gotten married two years ago? "Don't worry, it will go good. I was also nervous when we were getting married with Victor but when I saw Victor waiting me in the altar I felt relaxed" Yuuri said and hugged Victor. I nodded at him and smiled.

After my makeup was ready Victor said: "It's almost time to go". I got nervous again and felt like puking. "I-I can't do it!" I said in panic. Both of them hugged me tight: "Yes you can" Yuuri said. I too deep breaths. "Okay, let's go"

We walked behind the brown wood doors. Because my real father isn't anywhere to be found Victor will walk me down the aisle. I'm happy that I have someone to walk me down the aisle. I thought that I had to do it alone. I kind of think them as my parents, but don't tell them. I'm not so edgy anymore but I can still snap at you!

Victor takes my arm in arm and the music starts playing. The big wooden doors open and everyone stands up. We start walking to the altar. I see Otabek waiting me and smiling. He looks stunning. Yuuri was right, I'm not nervous at all after I saw Otabek. With a big smile on my face I walk to the altar. Victor gives my hand to Otabek.

We stand in front of the priest. Sun is shining to the church. My dress is shining but not as bright as Otabek. His hair is sleeked behind and his black suit fits perfectly. The priest says all that boring shit and I don't really pay attention to it.

Finally it's time to say out vows. He starts: "Yuri Plisetsky, when we first met I thought you were girl" he says bright red. I chuckle. "I loved you right away when I saw you. I remember that when you told me you were boy you ran away. I was surprised but it didn't change the fact that I loved you. When we got together I was happiest man alive, and I sill am. I proposed you 4 months ago in Spain, I was so happy when you said yes. Now I'm happiest man on the earth, I love you Yuri Plisetsky" he finished his vow and I was crying at that point.

Next was my turn: "When I first met you I thought you were amazing. Your chocolate brown eyes, undercut and muscular body were the first things that I noticed. After a while I noticed how much I loved spending time with you. I remember how nervous I was when I told you that I was boy. I'm glad that you didn't think that I was gross or disgusting. When you kissed me in the park I knew that this will be a good start. Even if those girls tried to take you from me you didn't leave me for them. I love you Otabek Altin" he smiled at me.

"Otabek Altin, do you take Yuri Plisetsky for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest asked.

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