2. Life of Nikiforov-Katsuki household

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I realized I have this thing going on lmao. Here's a short update.

Soon was the day. Otabek was coming today. While Yurio was still clueless, Victor and Yuuri were almost bursting with excitement.

"Can you stay sill for 5 minutes?", Yurio asked clearly annoyed. "Why are you even this happy? You won a lottery or something?"

"No! I don't need lottery, I have Yuuri!", Victor almost squaled and hugged more than embarassed man next to him. "Ugh gross", Yurio groaned leaving the living room.

'Ohohoho that's what you say but we'll see who is all loveydovey this evening', Victor smirked his devilish smirk.

"Yurioo! We are going grocery shopping, you need anything?", Yuuri yelled as Victor was already heading out of the door. "Nah I'm good!", he yelled back. "Only thing he needs is Otabek, let's goo!" Victor dragged very done Yuuri out to the summer air.

"Otabek's plane is here in a hour. We should actually go and get some groceries", Yuuri informed his fiance. "Sure thing!", Victor started the car once they were inside and drove to the closest market.

"Do you think we should buy condoms?", Yuuri almost choked and turned bright red. "V-Victor, we already have them.." "But for Yurio and Otabek?" "No. Not in my christian household!", Yuuri cried. That's when Victor lost it. He fell to the floor laughing and yelled "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" The rest of their grocery adventure went like that.

"Victor! Please, I don't wanna crash!" Yuuri hold on for his dear life. They were late, very done late. Otabek's plane would land in 5 minuted and they had an 30 minute drive to the airport.

"Oh don't worry, I won't. And if we do I'll just pay my way out of it!"
"Victor what the frick, you can't pay your way out of a car crash!" Yuuri wondered why's he almost married to this idiot.

Finally they arrive to the airport. "Only 20 minutes late!" Victor yells dashing out of the car to the airport. "Victor wait!", Yuuri yells and runs after him.

"Okay, where do we go?" Victors asks very confused. "Umm I think, here?", he starts walking towards the sign that says "departures".

After a whilr they find the right place. "Well, now we gota find Otabek", Victor puts his hands to his hips. "OMG IT'S VICTOR AND YUURI!" They hear high pitched screams. "Run!" Victor grabs Yuuri for the 2nd time already and tries to find a hiding spot.

"Ouch!", Victor yells bumping at someone. "There you are, I was already wondering if you even rembered", it's Otabek. "Oh well, fangirls surprised us" sheepishly he smiled at Otabek. "It's okay. And oh, I forgot to greet you. Hello mr. Nikiforov" Otabek offered his hand and both Yuuri and Victor shook his hand. "And please just call us Yuuri and Victor", Yuuri smiled his warm smile at him. Soon they were on their way to their house.

"Soo~ How has your life been? Anything new in Almanty?", Yuuri asks from the front seat. "It's been great. My skating is going pretty well. I've been dj:ing at my freetime", Otabek smiled. "Met anyone special~", Victor laughed. "Well, kind of",

That's when Victor's and Yuuri's hearts almost stopped. "That's great", Yuuri, being the better actor tried to smile at him. The rest of the car ride went in silence.

"Okay Otabek, go and ring the bell, we're gonna wait here. "Sure", Otabek stood up from the car taking his navy blue suitcase. He had his black leather jacket on, black ripped jeans and a tee that said 'not from here'.

He knocked on the door. He heard some shuffling around and a very annoyed voice: "Did you fucking idiots forget the key again? And what took you so long?"

The door opened and there he was, angry blond kitten. "Hey", was all that Beka could say before Yurio screamed "Beka!" and leaped to hug him. Beka wrapped his musculars arms around Yurio.

In the car Victor was smiling his iconic smile and filming it all.

This was gonna be a good week.

Otayuri oneshots (smut)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora