Chapter 6~ Gabby Helps Kim

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*** So I know its been forever and I doubt anyone is still waiting to read this but I'm back, hopefully I'll start being pretty constant with my uploads (crossing my fingers) my time with college, freinds and a bad break up really had me torn but I'm back with more of Kim's story so I hope you all love it!!!!!!!!

Chapter 6


                Kim was learning. That’s what she would tell people when they asked how life with Marcus was. She would tell them that she was slowly learning how to make it work, and he was working with her to teach her.  Most people gave her weird looks when this was her response, but to her it was the truth. She was becoming what a proper woman of the house did; she kept it clean and kept her man happy. She was learning her place and doing it to the best of her ability.

                She considered it a successful day when he didn’t hit or force her into anything. After their trip to outer banks she was convinced that she would do everything perfectly for him when they got home. No outsourcing would be necessary if she could just be a good girl and do what he asked of her. She would wake up earlier than him so she had time to take Beau out and make breakfast for him when he woke up, she would have his lunch packed for him for his day t work, and all the lunch and breakfast dishes would be done by the time he entered the kitchen. After he left she would scrub and vacuum everything. She had learned that Marcus loved Beau but hated dog hair, and so she would make sure a hair couldn’t be found. She would sort through the fridge, grocery shop, do laundry, iron the clothes, drop off and pick up dry cleaning, make the bed, and dust daily to keep the house in a state of perfection. When he walked in the door from work the radio would be on, the dinner table would be set and dishes from dinner would be washed and put away. She never used the dish washer because it took too much time that she didn’t have. After dinner he would watch TV, she would clean up dinner, bring him desert and then offer to do her wifely duties in the bedroom. Once he was in bed, she would get up take her shower, scrub the bathroom, write in her journal and then go to bed herself.

                Every time she did something wrong he would let her know, and she would remember details of the problem and the punishment. Each night she would enter the day into her journal.

Today I made him very happy. The house was clean, dinner was his favorite, and desert was served promptly. He told me I was improving and that he wished I could only do this every day so that he didn’t have to hurt me. But unfortunately I’m not perfect enough for him so some days he does have to hurt me to make me better, in hopes that one day I will be perfect. I want to be perfect for him, and I strive to be perfect for him, and for my own happiness. I’m happy on successful days like today where I am all but perfect. I like being perfect. Since he loves me so much and wants to make me better I’ll be better for him. I love him.

Today I was bad. The car broke down and so I didn’t have time to do everything and the dishes for diner weren’t finished when he got home. I tried to explain and apologize but excuses only make him angrier. He filled the dirty dish filled sink with water and put my head in the water saying that if I liked the mess then here is my chance to enjoy the mess. I don’t know how many times he dunked me but I was light headed and coughing up water and bleeding after. I had cut my cheek on a knife in the sink and when he saw the blood is when he stopped. He helped me clean it and kissed it over and over. He felt so bad for the cut on my face that he did the dishes and told me to go get a shower. Later he explained that if I planned my time better then I wouldn’t have problems like these. I was wrong for not accounting for technical problems to make sure I had my jobs done. I agreed with him, my time management must improve. I set my alarm for an hour earlier tomorrow so I can begin working on exactly that.

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