Chapter 7~ The Power of Dancing

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Chapter 7


                Kim and Marcus’s home was ideal. It was a yellow house, blue shutters, and a wrap around white porch. The bushes is the front made the garden look pretty without too much work, and it had a nice little white fence which was perfect for Beau. Marcus had bought it about 2 years before he met Kim, after having a fight with an apartment landlord and saying that he would never rent again.

                The house was little, a simple blue and white kitchen, a mostly white and tan living room, no real dining room more of just a nook when we put our table, and a little guest bathroom. Upstairs the stairs let out right into the master bedroom which contained 2 closets and a master bathroom. The one wall was mostly glass and looked over the backyard and the water. It wasn’t big enough for a family, but it was perfect for the two of them.

                Kim wasn’t the first girl to live here though. His previous girlfriend, Bianca, had lived here for about 2 months. She had been in between places and was only supposed to stay for a week but then decided on her own that she didn’t want to leave. Kim didn’t know how Marcus had gotten her to leave, but even with just the short period of time she had been there she left her mark. Mail was always delivered to the house for her, whenever Kim straightened a closet she would find something new of Bianca’s she had realized had been there, and Bianca had carved her name into one of the trees in the backyard. Kim’s gorgeous willow was tainted by Bianca’s messy carving.

                About once a week Bianca would have to stop by and collect mail. She would apologize over and over claiming she was trying to get the problem solved, but Kim had a suspicion that it was untrue. Bianca enjoyed her visits too much. She would always invite herself in for a drink, and always make sure to invite Kim out for coffee or tea. Though Kim never agreed Bianca always tried to persist.

                Bianca was a gorgeous young thing, with a Hispanic background. She had a slight accent and the traditional Latina look. She was beautiful none the less. The only blemish on the girl’s entire body was a small scar on her forehead. Kim never asked about it, but Bianca would always mention it causally. She would make remarks such as, “such a silly little scar” or “Proof of my past” or “Cover up is useless when it comes to covering this up”. The conversation stopped being casual the day that Bianca showed up and saw the cut on Kim’s face from where the knife had nicked her during the dirty dishes incident.

                “Ummmm darling, where did you get that nasty little cut on your cheek?” Bianca asked, something about her voice was too sweet.

                Kim knew that Marcus wouldn’t appreciate their public life being advertised so she responded with a simple, “O this little thing, Beau accidentally nicked me the other day. No big deal, it will heal up in no time.”

                Bianca took a step towards her and said in a lower voice, “Kim, tell me the truth, that isn’t a dog scratch and we both know it.”

                Kim took a step back, thrusted the mail into Bianca’s hands, said “I don’t know what your accusing me of but I think it’s time for you to leave,” and slammed the door in her face.

                Bianca didn’t leave though; she sat on the front porch swing and waited an hour until Marcus got home. Kim didn’t notice because she was so busy doing her household jobs. When Marcus pulled up though, Bianca didn’t pause; she leapt to her feet, stormed over to him and slapped him across the face screaming, “You leave her alone do you hear me? You don’t hurt her, she doesn’t deserve it. You let her be and you don’t hurt her again or you will get in trouble.” Marcus smiled, grabbed Bianca by the hair and dragged her in the house. He threw her on the couch and called for Kim to get in here. When she entered the room he shoved her down on the couch next to Bianca.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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