Chapter 1 ~The Begining of Kim and The End of Gabby~

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Chapter 1


                I walked down the halls to the metal door. The nurses waved, smiled, and welcomed me back. My new patient’s name was Kim, and she had been abused by a boyfriend like most of the cases I work with. She had tried jumping through a window when they took him away and so now she was under constant suicide watch.

                I walked through the door and saw her for the first time; the way she was curled up under the blankets in a ball reminded me so much of Gabby. Kim starred at me with murderous hateful eyes though, where as Gabby had been full of fear of the world.

                “Hi honey…” I started to say as I slowly stepped towards her, she pulled away and hissed at me. I took a step back and sat on the chair in the corner. “I’m sorry, I’ll stay over here. I’m Sharron, and I’m here to help.”

                She started at me and then calmed down, “can you really help me?”

                “Yes of course, it’s my job and I will do everything I can do to help.” I answered, amazed at this almost instant acceptance of help.

                She stood up on the edge of her bed and turned to look down at me, “Bring him back, I want my Marcus back.”

                Even though I knew the answer to what I was about to ask I asked anyway, “Who is Marcus, Kim?”

                She sat and her eyes filled with tears, “They took him from me, they ripped him away from me saying he was hurting me, but he wasn’t. I wanted it, I deserved it. He was fixing me, he was making me better.”

                “What was he doing to you?”

                She looked at me and then pulled up her gown to show me her stomach, on it was the word “bad” carved into her skin over and over again, some were white scars, others were scabbed over. Then she showed me her wrist which were raw from rope burn, and then showed me her ankles which were the same thing as her wrists. It broke my heart, and that fact that she thought she deserved it was even harder.

                “You still love him?” I asked, I knew this was an area I had to be careful in.

                “Why wouldn’t I love him? He made me a better person, and he loved me”

~Sharron’s Memories~

                When I got that call that Gabby was dead, lying on the ground in a bloody mess across Jeremy’s body I couldn’t help but cry myself to sleep for 3 months. I dropped everyone of my other clients because somehow they all reminded me of her. Either she had once sat they way they were sitting, maybe I’d seen her pass them in the hall, or she’d been in a group therapy session with them.

                I had to go to therapy myself because of the guilt I felt for being unable to save her. She had become like a sister and the loss was crippling. She had told me he would kill her and I didn’t believe her, I believed that the restraining order could really keep her safe. I was wrong and she was right. The law was convinced that Jeremy could change but she never believed it and I didn’t listen to her concerns.

                I was the only one they could call to clean out her little apartment; it wasn’t the apartment that she used to keep. This was a safe place that had been tainted. There had been traces of that beast everywhere.

                They had been all over the news and I had been called by hundreds of reports but I couldn’t handle talking about it. Magazines blamed her parents for walking out on her, or his family for walking out on him, but one article blaming the people close to her now, like me, was the most haunting. My photo was there along with the lawyer who filled the restraining order and the officers who had been on the case.  It broke my heart. At this point I had quit my job and became worse in my mental state then most of my patients.

                The day I began to recover was the day I received a letter that officers had recovered in her apartment as evidence but was now being released. It read:

Dear Sharron,

        If you’re reading this then Jeremy has succeeded in his revenge, whether that consist of kidnapping me, murder or both. Even though you were my therapist, it always felt like more. You were my sister and you made me keep fighting to survive for as long as I did. The day I met you was just another day I was contemplating suicide, and my plan was to end it all once they released me from the hospital, but then you said something that changed it all… do you remember what that was. Four simple words that changed my life.

                                                             Don’t’ Let Him Win

        And so I didn’t, I kept fighting. Even though I was never happy, or at least not at the point of writing this letter, I was content. I appreciated just being given a second chance even if I wasn’t using it to my full advantage, but I’m too damaged to do that. So thank you for trying to help me and even though he succeeded I still think I won. So I have one piece of advice, for you. He took me from you but don’t be upset and don’t let him cripple you. Don’t let him take you r life like he took mine.

                                                              Don’t Let Him Win

                                                                                                              Love you forever,


                That is why I took Kim’s case, so Jeremy couldn’t win and neither could another man who had ruined a girl’s life. I wasn’t going to let history repeat itself. This girl was going to be saved no matter what.


Tell me what you think, Oh and please ignore the grammer because I'm not very good at it and I'll worry about that later.

Love ya guys and remeber:




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