Chapter 5 Chase

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the zombie gorillas attacked us earlier on our trek back to find May, but even when we were so close, things always went wrong. They got Olivia and I, but Emma was safe. She hid under an abandoned pickup truck. I hope that she is okay. We suddenly were dropped onto a ground as cold as ice.

"Huff!" I heard Olivia heave as we were dropped onto the floor.

"Where are we?" I asked her in a whisper.

"You're in my domain now! Did you really think that you could get passed me?" asked a hoarse male voice.

"No, but at least we tried!" yelled Olivia.

"Shh!" I whispered, "don't tell him everything."

"What do you mean everything?" the man asked.

"He doesn't know what he is talking about!" 'Liv said.

"What? so this guy, Chase, is crazy?" asked the man.


"Yes," answered Olivia.

Wow! Thanks for that! I thought.

"You will tell me everything or lose you ex-wife, Chase. Do we have a deal?" 

The man stepped into the light. On his name tag it read, "Cole Ragmeal,"

"Fine," I said. How could I say no? He held a knife to my ex-wife's neck. She looked terrified.

"I'll do as you say, and tell you everything. We were looking for our daughter, May," I looked at Cole, who let Olivia go immediately after I answered.

"You'll regret this, Cole, forever!" I called out as he walked out. As he did he spoke up.

"Thank you May will be happy to know that her parents are both alive still. Have a nice day!" he walked out of the room in a silent, dark trail of steam, smoke, or whatever it was.

Apocalypse (The second book of the Trilogy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant