Chapter 34 Amillia

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We arrived at my dad's old laboratory. I heard screams of distress.

"May!" I yelled. There was no response.

"Is that you, Amillia?" I heard the familiar voice, but it wasn't May's.

"Mom?" I asked the dark room.

"Yes, there's something wrong. Please, come quickly!" she was crying.

I felt dizzy when I looked at my father with grief on my tear-stained face. I motioned forward. My eyes were glazed over. This felt like a dream. May, please be okay. My father then did something I never would have thought an evil person would do. He held my hand the whole way walking up to Mom. When we got to Mom, she was on the floor. It felt like my heart stopped. She was leaning over something; It was May's lifeless body. Mom continued to cry.

"She'll be okay," she continued to whine. She picked up May's hand. "You'll be okay."

I looked down and fell to my knees crying. May, all the things we had been through, she was gone now.

"Mom," I cried, "she's not coming back."

My mom hugged me tightly for the first time in a long time.

"I know," she said hysterically crying.

A low clapping came from further back in the dark room.

"Well, well, what a great show of family, love, and blah," Nicole walked out of the darkness.

She looked so much different than I remembered, but then again, I hadn't seen my evil aunt since I was four; the day of the car crash. She was much more beautiful now than I remember her back then. Arica and I were both there when our aunt was arrested. She had killed our grandmother and blamed her own father for her jealousy. I don't know how much of that is true, though. I was only four after all.

Nicole smiled evilly. I first noticed the gun hidden in a holster on her right side. On her other hip was a small knife.

"Oh, look who it is," Nicole looked at Cole and looked away disinterested, "the runaway little brother. When will you ever learn?"

"Why would you do this?" Cole pleaded.

Nicole pointed at May's bloody body. "She put me in jail."

"It wasn't her," I said.

"Oh, shut up!" Nicole began to pace, "You wouldn't understand. You're only sixteen."

"Leave her out of this!" Cole was angry.

Nicole turned to Cole and had only fury in her eyes.

"Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do? You sent me all those years ago back to the house where our father stood cleaning the murder weapon. He beat me, Cole, and you let him! You let our father abuse me!" Nicole was angry, but she was also crying. Each tear seemed to be another one of her burdens that she carried being let go with each word she spoke

"Please forgive me. If I had known..." Cole trailed off.

"What!" Nicole flailed her arms, "You would have protected me? As if I would believe that. You started this mess," she pointed to a monitor, "now you're going to finish it."

My father looked at me with a questioning gaze. He was asking for my approval which I would not give to this situation.

"How dare you," my mother said looking down.

"Excuse me?" Nicole asked questioning my mother's thoughts.

"I said, how dare you!" my mother stood up in haste.

"Kim," Nicole looked frightened.

"You took her from me. My May; My only friend. How dare you ask my husband to join you! He would never betray his family like that!" My mother was furious.

My mind went back to the car crash. I woke up in the arms of the paramedics. I was screaming for my family. A four-year-old orphan and her sister covered in blood, and it wasn't even ours. It was hers.

"Kim, I'm not going to hurt you," Nicole said.

"Oh, but I am going to hurt you," my mother replied. This was the first time I had seen my mother this way. Quite frankly, it was terrifying.

My mom continued to approach Nicole. She was so angry. Arica hung on to May's arm. She cried quietly. My father held my hand still. That's when Nicole reached for her right side. The gun! I unlocked hands with my father, and I jumped and tackled my mom. There was a loud bang, and everything was quiet and still.

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